Well, Lucy uses a spatula to put the eggs onto a plate - to take them out of the pan and onto a plate. A spatula, "spatula," is a utensil; it's something you use in the kitchen. It is flat, usually square, that has a handle on it and you can use it to go underneath the food in a frying pan to lift the food out of the pan.
"Some mornings," Lucy says, she has "to settle for some cold cereal or just toast with jam." The expression to settle for, "settle," for something means that you don't necessarily want that thing - it's not the best thing, the thing you want the most, but it's okay - it's acceptable. When someone said, "I - I'm settled for something," they mean they weren't completely happy but it was okay - it was good enough for them. This is what my wife tells me; she says, "Jeff, I settled for you."