
ESL商务会议英语 第47期

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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:01:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
ESL商务会议英语 第47期
A “trend” (trend) is something that changes in one direction over time; it goes up or it goes down.
It's a general way that something is changing or developing over time.In this case Chris is talking about a downward trend, meaning that the market share for Vision Corp. is falling, or becoming less over time.
Last year was more than this year, and next year will be less than this year; that's a downward trend.You can also talk about an “upward (upward) trend” if something is going up.
For example, there may be an upward trend in the price of a house.The price of houses is going up over time; that would be an upward trend.
Chris's second key point is that the marketing campaign isn't appropriate for their target audience, and his third key point is that many important features, or characteristics, are missing, or are absent (are not there) in their current product.Chris's recommendations are to revamp, or improve, the marketing campaign and to redesign, or to design again (to plan and make again) their product.
Chris says that the company is facing some serious probleMs__ The verb “to face” (face) here means to deal with (to confront, to have to do something about, to address).Parents often face difficulties with their children; they are causing problems, for example.
They have to do something about it; they have to deal with it.Vision Corporation is facing problems with its product.
Chris says that he wants and needs everyone's input.“Input” (input) is someone's ideas, opinions, or suggestions about something, especially something related to a project or an idea.
Companies are often looking for input from their customers (information, ideas) that will help them make their product better.Chris wants the people at the meeting to give their input, or ideas and suggestions, in order to deal with the problems as quickly as possible.

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