
ESL商务会议英语 第61期

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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:01:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
ESL商务会议英语 第61期
Shawn, the moderator, begins by saying “Let's get this show on the road.”
The phrase “Let's get this show on the road” (road) is very informal and is used to begin something, such as a meeting, or a trip.“Let's get this show on the road” is sometimes used to express impatience (that you want things to move faster or to begin right away).
Here, Shawn is just using it as a way of starting the discussion.The phrase tries to give you more energy and make people excited about what they're going to do next.
Shawn says that this is an open discussion and asks who wants to begin.An “open discussion” is a discussion where anyone can participate, without raising their hand first.
In normal meetings, if you want to talk, you normally will put your hand up in the air so that the person who is leading, or running, the meeting can call on you - can say, “Okay, you can go next.”But in open discussion, people can usually talk and participate without raising their hands first.
Chris begins by talking to Hannah, saying that he has been knee-deep in her data for months.The expression to “be knee (knee) -deep (deep)” in something means to be very involved in something or to be surrounded by something.
In this case, Chris has been working with Hannah's data for months and is very familiar with it.You might also use this expression, “knee-deep,” in talking about a project that you are doing at work that you have been working on for a long time and that is a lot of work.
Or you might be knee-deep in emails (you have lots and lots of emails).

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