
ESL商务会议英语 第35期

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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:01:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
ESL商务会议英语 第35期
Hannah then says that the results of this ranking are shown in the bar chart.
A “bar (bar) chart (chart)” is a square or rectangular chart with bars (or big boxes) of different colors where the length or the height of the box represents different amounts of something.
We often see bar charts in magazines or newspapers when, for example, they show how well the economy is doing in different countries.
A high line that goes vertically usually (from top to bottom) indicates a lot of something, and a small line indicates not very much of something; that would be a bar chart - we call each one of those lines a “bar.”
In Hannah's bar chart, there's probably one bar for each of the five products, and a longer or a taller bar represents a higher ranking; that would be the product that the focus group liked the most.
Hannah says that “Vision Corporation received the best rankings for affordability.
“Affordability” (affordability) means having a price that people can pay easily.
To be able to “afford” something means you have enough money - it isn't expensive.
In other words, Vision Corporation's product is less expensive than the other companies' products.
But Hannah says that the company suffered in all the other categories.
To “suffer” (suffer) means to be hurt by something, or to not do well because of something.
You might suffer from a headache, for example.
A “category” (category) is a group of things that are similar.
Some categories of vehicles (automobiles) would include sports cars, pickup trucks, station wagons; these are different types or different categories of cars.
So when Hannah says that Vision Corporation's product suffered in all the other categories, she means that although the company had high rankings for affordability, or price, it had much lower rankings on all the other categories, or things that participants were asked to rank.
So, they didn't like Vision Corporation's product on almost all of the categories, but did like it for affordability, or price.

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