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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:12:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
We've got,we've got coaches from the Voice,and what can we expect?
今天节目嘉宾是《美国之声》的三大教头 我们可以期待什么呢
Anything different this season than the last season?
本季和上季比 有什么不同呢
We've up to the,we've up to the game to,Now we have 12 people in our teams,instead of 6
我们扩大了可选择选手的规模 本季每个教头可选12人 而不是上季的6个
Which is a longer blind audition,Well,blind moment,where is the best part,
这就意味着较长时间的盲选 盲选时刻 是节目最棒的部分
We don't get to see anything,but press our buttons somewhere.That's my favorite part of the show.
我们看不到任何表演 而只是在某处按下按钮 那是节目中我最喜爱的部分
And I love push the button,it's really fun.Now we have a really good time.
我很爱按按钮 很有意思 现在我们相处很融洽
So if you,you know the thing,as we really get into our teams,we really dedicate ourselves.
你要知道事实是 当我们真正投入到队伍中去时 我们全身心投入
And it's interesting we have a lot of versatility this year.
有趣的是 今年我们有更多多才多艺的选手
The voice could be anything,let's just put in that way.
《美国之声》无所不能 让我们暂且这样说
It's a lot great people.Take some many different forms.And I'll say the biggest difference I think is the talent spread through out.
有很多优秀的选手 各有特色 我会说最大的天赋的爆发不同是 我想是天赋的爆发
So there's so many great singers.That makes it a lot,there's more challenging for us to kinda,you know,come up with the winner.
有超多优秀的歌手 给我们以更大的挑战 从中挑出冠军
Because it's not assuring,there's not a couple people who really much better than anybody else,everybody is really,really good.
因为你不能确保 有些人就一定没另一些人强 每个人都很赞 非常赞
And your favorite part,Like you said it't not seeing them,and really figure out,
你最爱的部分 是看不见选手 并真实的判断出
Do I want to have that person.yes,it's so cool.I may suck listen to the radio.
我是不是想要这位选手 是的 很棒 听收音机 我可能糟糕透顶
I mean,it really is,when you hear something you like,just hit the button,you know and hope to God.They don't like it too,right.
确实是这样的 但你听到你喜欢的声音时 你只要按下按钮 并祈求上苍 他们都不喜欢它 是的
Or hope to God,they pick you.Even though everybody is fighting for the same person.Right.
或者祈求上苍 选手会选你 即使多人争抢同一选手 是的
Because you must get frustrated,If you want that person and they pick somebody else.I'm only have,which is really crazy.
因为你会很沮丧 如果你想要的选手选了别人 我只有 这是多么疯狂啊
I'm only have the most intelligent thanks to say to the contestants,Right,and then,they'll go with me.
我只有对选手致以睿智的感谢 是的 然后他们就会选我
You are right,right,right.You're right,right.Can't deny that.Let's talk about the X-Factor.
你真是太对了 不可否认 让我们来聊聊X-Factor
So Paula Abdul is not coming back,and Cheryl is not coming back,and Nicole is not coming back.Have you any thoughts on that?It's really harsh,it's.
Paula Abdul不再回归 Cheryl不再回归 Nicole也不在回归 你们对此有何看法吗 问题真尖锐 是的

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