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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:12:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
You look handsome,thank you,you too.you look great and I'm so happy that you are here
你看起来很帅 谢谢 你也是 你起色不错 很高兴 看到你来
and I wanna catch up with,I haven't seen you really in a long time
我想跟你叙叙旧 真的很久没见你了
20 years we've known each other.It...has it been that long
我们认识20年了 我们有那么久没见面吗
Not since I have seen you in last few years.well it is a long time,isn't it
不 因为我们过去几年还是见过面的 但我们的确很久没见了 不是吗
Well I,and I couldn't be happier for you in all areas.But let's just talk about the movie
我为你感到高兴 在任何方面都是 但是 让我们先谈谈电影
Because I didn't know anything about baseball and I loved the movie
因为我对棒球一点都不了解 而且我喜欢你的电影
I just thought it was,I learned about baseball and I got invested
我觉得它 我了解了棒球 而且投入其中
and I thought this is,that's a pretty impressive movie to actually get you invested in something you know nothing about.so Congratulations on that,thank you
我觉得这电影给人印象深刻 它能让你投入到完全不了解的东西里去 所以要祝贺你 谢谢
It's a...It's pretty impressive they let me do it,because I also know nothing about baseball.really
这 他们也真敢找我拍 因为我也一点都不了解棒球 真的吗
very really,shameful.It's shameful that they even let me in the stadium
绝对真的 很惭愧 他们居然还让我进摄影棚 太惭愧了
But I really got taken with this story,these guys in...It's about Oakland A's,well you guys saw it
但是这个故事吸引了我 讲的是奥克兰运动家队的故事 你们已经看过了
The Oakland A's on 2002.A true story.A ture story and you know it's a story about underdogs
2002年奥克兰运动家队的故事 一个真实的故事 是真实的 关于底层的小人物
and about people getting a chance who have been overlooked and undervalued and said they are more worthy and it's kindda funny,Kidda funny
关于被鄙视和低估的人如何得到机会 表达他们更有价值 其实挺有趣的 你们觉得有趣吗
It's a,what do you mean you weren't,I would have assumed you were obsessed with baseball
这 你刚才是什么意思 我本来以为你应该很迷棒球
Cause you kindda really make this movie happen,didn't you
因为你演得很真实 不是吗
I...yeah,well I stuck with it for a while,it was like...it's based on a book by Michael Lewis which I highly recommend
是的 我被棒球难住了一段时间 电影取材于Michael Lewis的书 我强烈推荐
and it's called Moneyball,The Science of Winning an Unfair Game
叫做《魔球 逆境制胜的智慧》

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