On sunday,a girl friend of mine...they ...we're having a playdate.
这周日 我和一闺蜜约好把各自的孩子带出去玩
She was like,"so honor has this new fashion thing that she's doing,
the one shoulder look." and I was like,"what are you mean?"She's like,"she taught..." yeah....
秀香肩造型’ 我一头雾水 ” 她说“honor在教我拗个造型” 对 就是这个
She does the pose,i can't with the pose.It's out of control.
她做起来倒是毫无压力 我可做不到这太难了
So she like puts her arm through the hole...the neck hole.
And like wants always show her shoulder. to make it over the shoulder?
感觉像是要显摆自己的肩膀 手臂穿过来放在肩膀上吗
Honor does that at kindergarden?
Honor does that in life.
and Haven is just funny.
And she follows her sister. so she like always wants to make Mummy laugh.
她跟她姐姐有样学样 总想逗我开心
She has like mustache on her finger.
She like has like silly glasses.
Yeah,we dress her up.
And pretty much anyting. well, there's nothing cuter than that.
各种样子 萌得我一脸血
That's ridiculous. she's really sweet.
太搞笑了 她真的很可爱
She looks like David Beckham a little bit in that picture though. she does.
这张看起来有点像小贝 还真像
Doesn't she? people call her boy all the time.
很像是吧 大家都叫她假小子
Yeah,no wonder. she's precious.
不足为奇 她就是个小活宝
And what are they gonna be for Holloween. did they have outfits?
小姑娘们万圣节要办成什么 服装准备好了吗
Um...they... we haven't figured out Haven.
She's still the age we can kind of have fun with it.
她还小 我们可以随心所欲逗她玩
Like we can make her... you can make her anything.
我们可以把她扮成 你们想把她扮成什么都行
You can make her a pumpkin or something.
yeah, or a hotdog or like you know that something funny.
或者热狗之类的 关键是有趣
Well honor's like, 'i wanna be a mermaid with the
Honor跟我说 我想扮成美人鱼
You know dress with no straps.'
And I'm like,'no.'And then she's like
我告诉她 ‘没门儿’ 她又问我
how about if i'm the mermaid that has the tail that you can't walk,
那我扮成长尾巴的美人鱼好不好 这样一来我没法走路
so you can just carry me up to the front door.'
and I'm like, that's not happenig.
She's very smart, that girl. She's so entitled ,it's crazy.
真是个极致的娃 她在这方面太有想法了 很不可思议