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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:28:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
You see,I'm curious,I want to ask about online course seem to me like they can be the game changer.
我很好奇 我想问问 网络课程好像改变了形势
These universities increasingly cost,it's unbelievable what it cost for a kid to go to shcool at some of these universities today.
这些大学花费了 如今学生上一些大学的花费简直令人震惊
And upwards of like could be 60,000,80,000 dollars for a kid to go to school for a year.
And so I'm curious if there's now online course.Don't you think that could change everything?
我很好奇 现在有了网络课程 你不觉得那改变了一切吗
People will start to say,why do I need to go to this university and pay that much money if I can download the lectures?
人们会开始说 我可以下载课程了 为什么还要付那么多钱上那些大学
I think it's a game changer,for exactly the reason you're describing.Here's what I think is going to happen.
我觉得这的确改变了形势 原因就是你说的 我觉得会是这样
Some kid is going to go to Procter and Gamble,places like that and say I couldn't afford to get a four year liberal education.
一些孩子会去宝洁公司之类的地方 说我付不起四年大学学费
But I took 32 courses from these online mooks,massively online courses.
但我在网络课程中上了32堂课 有许多网络课程
I took courses from Harvard and Princeton and Stanford and Yale and shared certificates that I did the courses,completed the coursework.Here's the grade I got.
我上过哈佛 普雷斯顿 斯坦福 耶鲁大学的课 给面试官看证书 表示我的确上过课 完成了课程 这是我取得的分数
Would you hire me?If Procter and Gamble says sure,we will take a chance on this,
你会雇佣我吗 如果宝洁公司说 好啊 我们试试看
all of a sudden I think American universities will have to ask themselves,how can we charge 50,000,60,000 dollars for this when the employer is saying
突然我觉得美国大学得问问自己 我们怎么能要五六万的学费 同时雇主说
that you have learned all of this stuff,I don't care that you went to the actual physical place or you didn't.
你学了这一切 我不在乎你上没上过真正的大学
Now,you probably don't get everything that you would get if you physically went.
I was going to say,you can't get drunk at a keg alone,but all right.Done with my course work.
我打算说 你没法一个人在饮酒会上喝醉 我做完作业了
You can simulate that at home.Exactly.Or you could get virtually drunk with the group of online people.
你可以在家里模仿 是的 你也可以和一群网友喝得烂醉
You're always thinking ahead.Check this book out.Fareed Zakaria,"In defense of a liberal education"
你总是有超前思维 去看看这本书 《捍卫自由的教育》
It's in stores now and "Fareed Zakaria G.P.S" airs sundays on CNN.Thank you for being here.Pleasure.Marina and the Diamonds,sit around.
书店有售 《法里德·扎卡瑞亚GPS》周日在CNN播出 多谢你抽空前来 我的荣幸 接下来是美砖马琳娜 不要走开

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