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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:28:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I didn't know this about you,cause I'm a big,I told you I'm a huge fan of the show backstage,but I'm shocked at how tall you are.
我不知道你的这一点 我在后台跟你说 我很喜欢这部剧 但你居然有这么高
It's unusual.Actually,we have a tall show tonight but it's unusual to have tall actors come on the show.
这很不寻常 高个嘉宾挺不寻常的
well,I was excited to meet you,first of all because I'm a huge fan,
我很激动和你见面 首先 因为我是铁杆粉
but also because it'r rare for me to meet somebody who is both taller and paler than I am.
而且也因为我很难遇见 比我还高还苍白的人
I think of you,you're like kind of the king of my species,I feel like.
我觉得你 我觉得你是我种族的王
Really?Well,yeah,every girl I ever dated to some degree has had a crush on you.
真的吗 跟我约会的每个姑娘 或多或少迷恋你
which makes sense because you're sort of the epitome,yeah,yeah.
这合情合理 因为你是典型的 嗯
Because I feel like on an evolution of man chart for a lanky,tall white guys,it's like you're like the modern man and I'm like one right behind you.
我感觉在瘦高白人的人类进化图上 你就是现代人 而我在你之后
Some day with hard work you evolve.I feel like we all,all of us owe you a debt
通过努力之后你也会进化成这样的 我感觉我们都欠你的
because in the way Woody Allen made sort of neurotic,congested guys cool,you made it cool to be Ichabod Crane looking.
因为就像伍迪·艾伦 让神经质的充血男变得很酷一样 你也让伊卡伯德·克莱恩的长相变得很酷
And have no skin pigment.I did that for you guys.Thank you.You're our Jackie Robinson.It's what I do.Thank you.
没有黑色素 我为你们出头了 谢谢 你是我们的杰基·罗宾森 我就是这种人 谢谢
Now,you did not alway want to be in comedy.You have had a lot of success in comedy but you
你并不是一直想演喜剧的 显然 你在喜剧方面大获成功
initially you were interested in music,wanted to be a musician?
但是最初你对音乐感兴趣 你想成为音乐家
Yeah,I used to play trumpet when I was a kid and teenager,and I wanted to be a jazz musician when I grew up.
是啊 我小时候吹喇叭 长大后我想成为爵士乐手
Because my father when I was little bought me a video game,this was a jazz video game.
因为我小时候 我父亲给我买了一款电子游戏 是爵士乐电子游戏

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