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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:28:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Thank you for being here,Fareed.Nice to have you on the show.
多谢你抽空前来 法里德 很高兴你能来上节目
Let's get started first with your background.I do think I know a lot about you.
首先聊聊你的背景 我觉得我很了解你
You were born in India.What was it about the United States that made you really want to come here?
你是在印度出生的 美国的哪一点让你真的很想过来
The opening sequence of Dallas.You know,I was growing up as a kid in India in the 70s.
《达拉斯》的序幕 我七十年代在印度长大
India was then a very poor country,cut off from the world.
印度是个很穷的国家 与世隔绝
And then we could get these bootleg copies of Dallas,which were done on old VHS Tapes.
我们搞到了《达拉斯》的盗版 是VHS版本
Kids are not going to understand this.Ancient technology called videotape.
孩子们不懂 那是古老的科技 叫做录像带
And the opening sequence was this shiny glass skyscrapers in Dallas,helicopters landing on roots,big Cadillacs and men in 10 gallon hats.
《达拉斯》的序幕是达拉斯闪亮的玻璃摩天大楼 屋顶上停着直升机 卡迪拉克轿车 带着巨大帽子的男人
That was my American dream.And Victoria principal.
那就是我的美国梦 还有维多利亚·普林西帕尔
Incredibly hot women throwing drinks in men's faces.Exactly.So part of it was just the fascination with America.This larger than life country.
超性感的女人 往男人脸上泼饮料 是啊 一部分原因是美国的魅力 这个传奇国家
Part of it was the people who came back and had gone to college in America would talk about college like it was really fun.
还有一部分原因是去美国上大学 然后回来的那些人会说大学很好玩
And I,I'm not talking about keg parties.I mean they would find the process of the course,the classes,this was all fun.
我说的不是饮酒会 他们会觉得课程的过程都很好玩
That's not what it was meant to be like in Asia.In Asia you went to college and it was kind of a drag
在亚洲不是这样 在亚洲上大学是个负担
and you studied hard and there was these massive tests at the end of two years or three years and you crammed heart out for those tests
你认真学习 一年两年三年后会有许多考试 为了那些考试你操碎了心
and then you promptly forgot everything you had studied the day after the test.Right.
接着考试那天之后 你就立马忘了学过的一切 好吧
So to be told that there's a college experience where you actually learn and enjoy it and call follow your passion,this sounded really cool to me.
所以有人跟我说了大学体验还可以 真正学习 乐在其中 追随你的爱好 我觉得这很酷

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