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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 15:28:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I'm curious quickly,the zombie makeup,they do such a good job with you.
我很好奇 僵尸妆 他们化得很好
but it must take a long time to make you up as a zombie.
It takes about an hour and 45 minutes in the morning and then about 45 minutes to take off at the end of the day.
早上要花一小时45分钟 拍摄结束后要花45分钟才能卸妆
But the thing is,it's,I have to do the full makeup process to get on,
但是问题是 我必须完成一整套化妆过程
but it's quite easy and tempting to just half ass it when you take it off.
但是草草卸妆很容易 也很有诱惑力
So I have had on a couple of occasions like still had my wig cap on and sunken,black eyes and bits of makeup.
所以我有时候依然戴着假发 有黑眼圈 僵尸妆的一点残留
And I stopped at the supermarket on the way home and not thought about it.
回家路上 我去了超市 没想到这事
And I remember walking through a supermarket once where I'm sure they will have a wanted sign of me now.
我记得有次在一家超市逛着 他们现在肯定有对我的通缉令
It was me walking through,on the phone.
我就走来走去 打着电话
Goodness knows who,saying this brain that I ate today,it was a sociopathic brain
天知道在跟谁打 说我今天吃的脑子 是反社会分子的脑子
and it's a little difficult to play that,this whole thing.Your jaw is falling off.
有点难演什么的 同时你的下巴掉了
My jaw is falling off and people are like,I did zombie makeup for,I saw.
我的下巴掉了 人们 我搞过僵尸妆 我看见了
Walking Dead,and they caked it on.I was almost disappointed at how I still looked so much like myself.
《行尸走肉》 他们拍了照片 我有点失望 我还是很像我自己
I think I have a photo.I still looked so much like myself.It freaked me out.
我觉得有照片 我还是很像我自己 我吓坏了
I didn't look different enough.I was going to say,you know,I'm rightly speaking out of turn if you came and cameoed on I Zombie.
我看起来不够有区别 我想说 我也许有点冒昧 但如果你来《我是僵尸》演配角
I think you would be the only person who needs a spray tan to look like you're dead.
我想你是唯一需要美黑喷雾 才能看起来像是死人的人
That's true.I am one of those guys you can see my veins coming through.It's beautiful,oh my god.
是真的 你可以看到我的静脉 很美 天啊
This is me now with 30 layers of makeup on.we tone you up a bit.we tone you up a bit.Do that please.
这是我涂了30层粉的样子 我们会给你喷美黑喷雾的 一定要喷
I Zombie air tuesday at 9:00 on the CW.Rose,thank you so much for being here.Thank you.Nice having you on the show.
《我是僵尸》周二九点在CW台播出 罗丝 多谢你抽空前来 谢谢 你来真是太好了
Rose Mciver.Be right back.Shawn Mendes is here.Stick around.
罗丝·麦克莱佛 马上回来 肖恩·门德斯将来表演 不要走开

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