I remember my teacher. When I first started, my very first lesson,I was all prepared with sticks, ready to go.
And instead of him saying, OK, Evelyn, please, feet slightly apart,arms at a more-or-less 90 degree angle, sticks in a more-or-less V shape,keep this amount of space here, etc.
然而,他却说:“好的,Evelyn ,双脚略微分开,双臂大约成90度,保持鼓棒成大约v字形,保持这样的空间,等等。
Please keep your back straight, etc., etc., etc.
where I was probably just going to end up absolutely rigid, frozen,and I would not be able to strike the drum,because I was thinking of so many other things-he said,Evelyn, take this drum away for seven days, and I'll see you next week.
So, heavens! What was I to do? I no longer required the sticks;I wasn't allowed to have these sticks.
I had to basically look at this particular drum,see how it was made, what these little lugs did, what the snares did.
Turned it upside down, experimented with the shell, experimented with the head.
Experimented with my body, experimented with jewelry,experimented with all sorts of things.
And of course, I returned with all sorts of bruises and things like that,but nevertheless, it was such an unbelievable experience,because then, where on Earth are you going to experience that in a piece of music?
Where on Earth are you going to experience that in a study book?
So we never, ever dealt with actual study books.