Dash 12579-that's a lot of numbers.
Dash 12579——好多数字。
"What should I do if my relationship is moving too slow for me?"
Speed it up!
Try and speed it up on your own, and then see how the other person reacts.
Sit down and take a breath. Enjoy the moment.
You kind of have to self-reflect. Maybe you want to go too fast. Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint.
There's nothing wrong with moving slowly into that good night, so take your time.
Communicate. I think you should just tell her, you know, you wanna speed things up.
Try to stay at pace with your partner. Even after a while, if it's still going too slow, maybe suggest things.
If it's not going where you want it to go, then you can talk to the person. If they're not comfortable doing what you want to do, then maybe you should find someone else.
That's the key to a relationship-it's communication. If you think it's going too slow, you should talk to them about that. If it doesn't work out, there's always somebody out there who has the right type of relationship for you.
Talk about it. Get together and be reasonable. Your conversations are very important.
Respect the other person. That is, if it's moving slow, it's moving slow for a reason. If it's worth it, you're gonna stick it out.