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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 17:11:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In today's Tech Bytes, Sony brings 3D to its point-and-shoot camera. Sony's unveiled two new cyber-shot models that feature a 3D panorama mode.The system works by capturing a rapid fire burst of pictures as you sweep the camera around and the software does the rest turning it into 3D. But you won't be able to see the effect on a viewfinder, you will need a 3D TV or computer. The cameras will be released in September.
今天的Tech Bytes节目将介绍的是索尼公司推出的3D傻瓜相机。索尼最新推出的两款数码相机以3D全景模式为卖点。这两款相机能够自动将捕捉到的画面通过软件合成为3D画面,你要做的仅仅是用镜头扫摄。但通常你是看不到3D效果的,只有在3D电视或者电脑上才能看到效果。这两款相机将于9月发行。
One of the issues that may prevent electric cars from catching on is the amount of time it takes to charge them. But a Japanese company claims it has solved that problem. The company says it's developed a charger that needs just 3 minutes for a 50% charge and 5 minutes to get up to 70%. That is about the same amount of time it takes to fill up the car with gas. The company expects its charger to be in gas stations all over Japan by next March.
Microsoft's been rolling out a new version of its hotmail email service to some users. The overhauled programme has new features that address spam and clutter and give you tools to better manage your Inbox. USA today's Ed Baig says Microsoft has really cleaned up its act.
微软已经对部分用户开展了hotmail的付费服务。这项服务的一大特色就在于用户可以用特殊工具对垃圾邮件和杂乱无序的邮件进行删除或分类整理,更好地管理邮件。《今日美国》的编辑Ed Baig表示,微软正在藉此大捞一笔。
"I used to have nothing but spam in my hotmail inbox. Now through the efforts Microsoft's making largely behind the scenes, most of it, not all of it, has disappeared. It's worth giving it a second look. The new hotmail is relevant. It's modern and it stacks up nicely against its competitors, Yahoo and Gmail."
And you can read it as full review on USATODAY.COM.
Finally residents in Pennsylvania can now get Chianti and Cabernet the same way they get a Coke by vending machine. The state recently introduced the country's first wine kiosks. Customers choose a wine on a touch screen display. They swipe their ID. They blow into an alcohol sensor and then they get their wine. The whole process takes about just 20 seconds.
For information of all these stories log on to the technology page of abcnew.com. With your Tech Bytes, I'm Jeremy Hubbard.
以上所有信息的更多内容,请登录abcnew.com科技板块。这就是今天的Tech Bytes节目,我是Jeremy Hubbard。cyber-shot 数码相机panorama 全景rolling out 延伸cleaned up 清理;大捞一笔stacks up 总计,较量vending machine 自动贩卖机注:本篇文章英文来自普特论坛,译文属秀哈英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载。

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