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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 17:11:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Some walls can be windows into a world we can hardly imagine, the exquisite details of the stone-mason's craft, the mind-bending world of fractals, with the shapes may shrink, but they're all the same. Or the very blueprint of what we are all made of, a strand of DNA.
"You can immerse yourself in your data, you know, you could do that in 3D, this software, and the VisWall have 3D capabilities." In this case, a churning twister, eat your heart out Hollywood. "You can try to describe the birth of a tornado in words are, we spent, having a very powerful 3D animation. I mean, the images speak for themselves."
Measuring 14 by 8 feet, this video behemoth is known as "the VisWall". You can't get it at Best Buy though, you have to go to the Tufts University in a place called the Center for Scientific Visualization. With support from the National Science Foundation, Lionel Zupan helped bring the VisWall to life. The VisWall uses two rare screen projectors to display a picture four times the resolution of the best HD TV. Four times! Faculty and students from many disciplines use it. For example, a surgeon develops software so her students can practice their technique without cutting any tissue.
从14到8英尺,这段视频被称为“the VisWall”。虽然不能从百思买集团哪里买到VisWall,但在视觉研究中心,也就是塔夫斯大学你可以一探究竟。有了美国国家科学基金会的资助,Lionel Zupan将VisWall的应用广泛传播。VisWall利用两个独特的投影仪器将画面展现得更加清晰,是高清电视的4倍,没错比高清电视还清晰4倍!研究人员和学生,还有其他行业从业者,如外科医生,现在正在应用VisWall,这样他的学生就可以通过VisWall学习,避免手术中的失误。
"I can feel the texture itself and I can change instruments, so here I can actually cut, so I'm gonna try to rub the tumor."
Mathematician Boris Hasselblatt went to the wall to get a fresh view of a model that forecasts the population growth of certain animals and even though he has studied this for twenty years, what he bounced things off the wall, he saw something he had never seen before. "What's apparent at this scale, with this resolution and detail and being at eye-height as well, is that all the curves of this sort seemed to be meeting right here. "It turns out those curves indicate chaotic conditions. "That, I think, is one of the great things about this wall that, in fact, will get people to see things that, otherwise hard to see."
数学家Boris Hasselblatt应用VisWall预测特定动物数量的增长,20年来他并没有新的发现,但应用了VisWall,他的研究取得了新的突破。“根据现有的解决方案,具体细节和未来发展眼光,“很明显,这些曲线在某种程度上都集中在了这里。这些曲线正意味着复杂的环境因素。因此,我想VisWall最伟大的一点正在于使人们看到了通常他们看不到的事物。”
These simulations and animations are just scratching the surface of the wall. Imagine what it would be like when we can get one of these babies at home.
For Science Nation, I am Miles O'Brien.
欢迎收看Science Nation,我是Miles O'Brien。注:本篇文章英文来自普特论坛,译文属秀哈英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载。

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