
时差N小时:人工海浪池 Wavepool

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  发表于 Apr 23, 2018 17:22:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
时差N小时:人工海浪池 Wavepool
For those lucky enough to live on either coast, going to the beach and frolicking in the ocean waves is a favorite summertime activity. 对于那些有幸能够住在海边的人来说,去海滩玩耍或是在海浪中嬉戏都是夏季最赞的娱乐活动。Faced with the reality of an ocean less existence, inhabitants of the landlocked, fly over states came up with the ultimate substitute: the wave pool. 海洋越来越少,内陆居民飞越各大洲,最终想出了一个可替代品:人工海浪池。In the ocean, waves occur when wind pushes against the surface of the water. 在大海中,当风推动水面的时候就会产生海浪。Water molecules pushed forward by the wind at a certain point push against the molecules in front of them, and so on. 受风向前推动的一个水分子会在一个特定的时间向前推动前一个水分子,以此类推。The collective pushing of all those molecules results in waves. 那些水分子的整体推动作用就形成了波浪。Creating waves artificially in a relatively small, contained body of water works on the same basic principle. 人工创造一个相对较小的波浪,包含水体本身都是基于一个相同的原理。Something is used to push on the water at the deep end of the pool to create waves. 这个原理就是从池底推动海水形成海浪。Most serious wave pools use a reservoir system that uses huge amounts of stored water to create the necessary push. 大部分正规的海浪池都有一个水库系统,它足以储存大量的水资源,用以制造足够大的推动力。Reservoir pools have four basic parts: a water pumping system, a reservoir to hold the water, release valves at the bottom of the reservoir, and a canal at the shallow end of the pool to return water to the pumps. 水库池是由四个基本部分组成:一个排水系统,一个贮水池,一个水库底部的泄水阀,还有一条浅水区的运河,用于将水抽回泵中。The pumps draw the water into the reservoir, which in large wave pools can hold up to 90,000 gallons. 水泵将水引入水库,而大型波浪池可以容纳90000加仑的水。When the reservoir is full, the release valves open, dumping the water into the calm, motionless water of the pool. 水库满了的时候,泄水阀就会开启,溢出一部分水,从而使池内的水保持相对静止。The sudden influx of so much water, like a strong wind, pushes the pool's water forward, creating a sizeable wave. 突然涌进大量水,就像强风一样,会向前推动池内的水,从而产生一个相当大的波浪。When the wave washes up at the front of the pool the canal channels the extra water back to the pumps, and the process begins again. 海浪在池前冲洗过后,运河会将剩余的海水引回泵中,随后这个过程再次开始。

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