At my usual table, everyone was full of our plans for the next day. Mike was animated again, putting a great deal of trust in the local weatherman who promised sun tomorrow. I'd have to see that before I believed it. But it was warmer today — almost sixty. Maybe the outing wouldn't be completely miserable.
I intercepted a few unfriendly glances from Lauren during lunch, which I didn't understand until we were all walking out of the room together. I was right behind her, just a foot from her slick, silver blond hair, and she was evidently unaware of that.
"…don't know why Bella" — she sneered my name — "doesn't just sit with the Cullens from now on."
I heard her muttering to Mike. I'd never noticed what an unpleasant, nasal voice she had, and I was surprised by the malice in it. I really didn't know her well at all, certainly not well enough for her to dislike me — or so I'd thought. "She's my friend; she sits with us," Mike whispered back loyally, but also a bit territorially. I paused to let Jess and Angela pass me. I didn't want to hear any more.
That night at dinner, Charlie seemed enthusiastic about my trip to La Push in the morning. I think he felt guilty for leaving me home alone on the weekends, but he'd spent too many years building his habits to break them now. Of course he knew the names of all the kids going, and their parents, and their great-grandparents, too, probably. He seemed to approve. I wondered if he would approve of my plan to ride to Seattle with Edward Cullen. Not that I was going to tell him.
那天晚上吃晚餐的时候,查理似乎对我早上的拉普什之旅很热心。我想他是在为周末时总把我一个人留在家而感到内疚,但这是他多少年来养成的习惯,一时半会很难改过来。当然,他知道一起去的所有孩子的名字,还有他们的父母的名字,也许,还有他们祖父母的名字。他似乎很赞同这个计划。我有点想知道他会不会赞同我和爱德华·卡伦一起开车去西雅图的计划。但我不打算告诉他。《暮光之城》在母亲与一名棒球小联盟的运动员再婚后,17岁的Bella Swan搬到华盛顿州的福克斯小镇与父亲同住。 在新的高校里,Bella跟其他同学很快混熟,但她却对Cullen家族的神秘与独处感到好奇。在上学第一天的生物课上,Bella便与Edward Cullen同桌。Edward似乎对Bella心存反感,这令Bella感到十分疑惑。几天后,他们正式互相认识,Bella放学时在校园的停车场上差点被一辆小货车撞到,Edward以难以置信的速度从几米外跑到了Bella身边,并以单手挡住了货车。