types is a term used to describe the social and biological make-up of the family. The traditional family type in most cultures has been based on the
extended family, where members of several generations of the same biological family
live together, In a society based on agriculture, there was a need to have children who
sin farm the land and provide for the whole family young
But the Industrial Revolution made manpower less valuable within the family, which
meant that children then had to find work elsewhere, for which they needed education
In advanced industrial societies this led to the nuclear family, where only the father,
mother and their immediate children live together and see other members of their
extended family with varying degrees of frequency. The nuclear family is the traditional
pattern of many Western families, although there is of course much variation in
individual circumstances. One important feature of the nuclear family, especially in
English-speaking countries, is that even when grandparents grow older, there is a
tendency for them to want to stay in their own home and to keep their independence
for as long as their health allows
Today there are many other family types, which are described as non-traditional, More
and more common is the blended family or stepfamily with parents and their children
from different partnerships living together. Furthermore, marriage is no longer
considered an essential feature for creating a family. Rising divorce rates have led to
the one-parent family, in which the mother or, less common, the father brings up their +S
ildren on their own. It has been estimated that in the US, more than 80 per cent of
families can be described as non-traditiona/