The Guangzhou Instilute ol Energ
Conversion is involved in the develop
ment of a new kind of wave-energy con
erter called the Sharp Eagle in which the
F eagle's beak A 10)kw device was tested in
2012and sea tests for a 100 kw Sharp Eagle
are now under way. China is also running
a regional test, with a province seeking to
n on 100%o green power.
China is still seekin
programme from its current 3.990
of total power generation(from 35.7 GW)
to possibly around 6%o(58GW)by 2020.
That seems unlikely to be achieved by then.
given recent delays, but the programme is
certainly very ambitious. To put it in pe
Wind output has overtaken nuclear with
wind expanding fast along with PV. B
t there have been problems with some
of the new nuclear projects
The country s overall plan is to get 2004 or
d renewables look like th
T- the bulk of that. Indeed, they already sup
0 of its ply around 25%o ofelectricity and about
g wind
f energy. China does have big problem
Ls power grid, l)u
them and its coal phase
lld be Its
)bn on wind a
ang and by 2030 and in 2017 the country invested
at no new around S133bn in clean energy, up 2490
Jilin, Hei- on the year before, setting a new record
Mongolia That far exceeds US investment in cle
energy of $57bn in 2017-only a 1%
mns, wind on 201
new backs begin to hit the US, and the EU slow
generation down, China should stay well in the lead
ed sclear, on renewables
support While China did not sign up tovery strin
nt targets for carbor
d to reach ment-one reason why Trump wanted ot
alsolikely of the agreement-china did commit to a
cbon-dioxide emissions by 20
orts to peak earl
jut theo.s。