I have responsibilities; I have to make some dough Yet, when I ask why he runs, he says, I really do not know
Life is a game, he says, money keeps the score,
I need for my self-image that is why I need more and more
need money piled by the ton?
I Oh, L ask, do yo voice: Yes, then people will know I won
He yells with a lot
Then I say, Gee, that is great, let me ask you this,
I With all the money that you have, is your life one of bliss?
Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, mathematician, and social criti
says"The habit of looking to the future and thinking that the whole meains
of the present lies in what it will bring forth is a pernicious one. There can be
no value in the whole unless there is value in the parts. Life is not to be
认为:类比;1 conceived on the analogy of a melodrama in which the hero and heroi
情节难以 through incredible misfortunes for which they are compensated by a happy
ending. He also says that "I have frequently experienced myself the mood in
which I felt that all is vanity, I have emerged from it not by means of any
philosophy, but owing to some imperative necessity of action
In the West, people believe in future happiness of the afterlife in heaven.
Lets just put away the question of whether there is an afterlife or not,
whether there is a heaven or not; we know the only truth is that our pursut
I of happiness remains unchanged all the time. We long for happiness
nt to be happy Then, why should we wait? We are the master of the p
I if we can not make ourselves fee happy now, how can we count on the future?
In English, there is a saying: "time and tide wait for no man; in Chinese a
have"shi bu wo dai". As Russell says, "life is not to be conceived on
analogy of a melodrama",and if we want the whole life to be valuable, we
ust make every part of it valuable. What we can do now is to make the
se of ourselves, take action to enjoy life and leave no regrets. In this wa
can have a happy life
Exercise l. Answer the following questions brlefly according to the passag
1. Is there an agreed measurement for happiness?
2. Why do people rush for money?
3. Is the wealthy man in the poem really happy? Why?
4. How do you understand the words of Russell?
5. How does the author view happiness
204 TEN Philosophical Ideas an the