Region Keywords: dark matter, IIMI
PACS: 95.35,+d
I Introduction
Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS)are
the most popular solution to the puzzle of dark mat
ter (DM)(1-3). In Tev scale(LHC scale)new physics, de
DM particles follow the thermal scenario in which they
reach thermal and chemical equilibrium with the bath on
particles but lose it at the freeze-out temperature(which 1
is around mpw/20)and experience decoupling trom the the
Universe plasma. WIMP candidates such as the neu
14) and Kaluza-klein particle (5, 6 are found in
tra. lino
heories such as the minimal supersymmetric Standard
Model(MSSM )and universal extra dimensions(UED), sl
respectively, and also in other extensions of the Standard
Model(SM)such as singlet scalar [7 10)(or fermionic u
11-13)DM. In spite of their popularity, WIMPS have 3)
not yet been detected in direct experiments
nd well-motivated hypothesis to ex-.
plain the DM problem is that there is such a feeble inter
action that DM particles can never be abundant enough
to thermalize. In this so-called freeze-in mechanism 14
16), feebly interacting massive particles (FINIPS)have
been slowly produced in the early Universe through the
Received 31 January 2018, Revised 20 April 2018, Published online
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