d in a very prog
Sports skills are acqui
Not every child will acquire every skill equally or at the same
rate, but most youth acquire them in the same order. So give
yourself and your kid a break, just like when she was learning to i
During the first 2 years of life, many responses from your
child are primarily reflex actions. Touch her cheek and she i
turns to find food. Touch his hand and his fingers grasp. Proud,
fathers of their firstborn son already dream of a football star. Stop
there. Do not put a basketball hoop on the side of the bed. Sci-
entific research tells us that those futile attempts will not work no i
matter how much you want a head start on Johnny's 3-point shot. i
Natural curiosity and interaction with the environment will stimu-
late the growth of motor activity.
Close your eyes and think real hard--where does everything i
go that a baby touches? In its mouth! So be real. Little baby i
Footballs, baseball gloves, and running shoes may be cute and i
colorful, but their effectiveness as sports equipment is lost when
they become just another baby chew toy. The experts do not rec-
ommend that infant exercise programs are beneficial for develop.
ment or helpful for future performance. Activities in a safe envi-
ronment are the way to go
Once children are a few years old, however, hints of sports
skill development start to take shape, and the Preparation