belong to a movement which appears to encourage individuals to assert themselves collectively. It seems to
be waiting for the revolution. And as young people, we're
epected to be ang!y because that's what young people do
But how do we rebel against our pa
is nostalgic for revolution? How do we rebel against Parents
who sometimes want revolution more than we do? We don' t
by not rebelli
s The real energy is not on the campus, it's on the Internet. It
provides us with a developing opportunity to communicate
ideas and frustrations. We don't do demonstrations any more,
we go onto Facebook and Twitter, instead of going onto the
activism and demonstration, is coming to an end. To my
to k
generation, radicalism is associated with Al-qaeda, not the
with its
Weathermen "Campus takeover"sounds less like students
invading campus buildings and taking staff hostage, more like
one of those school shootings which happen too often these
days. The resonance of the ods belongs to another era and
doesn't reflect the realities of today
10 But the technological revolution is just as real and Just as
Profound as the revolution of the 1960s-it's just not as
obvious It's work in progress, but it' s here. Perhaps when g
P po
generation is speaking a lang
lat t