
Among the many feeli

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发表于 Sep 19, 2018 13:11:12 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Among the many feelings going through my head during those

minutes was pnde-pride in how well everybody on board was behaving. No one

panicked. No one screamed. As we jolted and screeched our way downward, I could

I thought of something I had heard a friend say about the wonderful gift his dying

father had given the family he had died peacefully, as if not to alarm any of them about

In experience they would all have to go through

And then -yes! -we landed safely. Outside on the ground, attendants and

officials were waiting to transfer us to alternative flights. But we passengers clung

together. We chatted about the lives we now felt blessed to be living, as difficult or rocky

as they might be. The young businessman lamented that he had not a chance to buy hi

two little girls a present. An older woman offered him her box of expensive Lindt

chocolates, still untouched, tied with a lovely bow, "I shouldn't be eating them anyhow,

she said. My glamorous aisle mate took out her cell phone and passed it around to

anyone who wanted to make a call to hear the reassuring voice of a loved one

na There was someone I wanted to call Back in Vermont, my husband, Bill, was

anticipating my arrival late that night. He had been complaining that he wasn't getting

to see very much of me because of my book tour". I had planned to surprise him by

getting in a few hours early. Now I just wanted him to know I was okay and on my way

When my name was finally called to board my new flight, I felt almost tearful to

be parting from the people whose lives had so intensely, if briefly, touched mine

Even now back on terra fima, walking down a Vermont road, I sometimes hear an

airplane and look up at that small, glinting Piece of metal. I remember the passengers

on that fateful, lucky flight and wish I could thank them for the many acts of kindness

I witnessed and received. I am indebted to my fellow passengers and wish I could pay

them back

I. But then, remembering my aisle mates hand clutching mine while I clutched the

hand of the high school student, I feel struck by lightning all over again: the point is

not to pay back kindness but to pass It on

(864 words)

Words and Expressions

ternative/: t: not/d that can be usedi- blessed/blesd/a lucky, fortunate

stead of sth else

bee /biy/n a friendly competition

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