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Utilizing Woman,s Skills
(A)Btain has a higher proportion of economically active women than any of our E( partners, with the excepton
Denmark and the trend towans greater female participation in paid employment seems to be irreversible.
Cen atistical mc/ ds ublished at the beginning of this year, forecasts that the m
o wamen in the labor force is likely to increase by 700, 000 over the 1980s and that by the end of the decar) mu
Working Part-time
A present a high proportion of employed women, four out of ten, work part-time compared with only ten
percent of men in employment. This development is in response to the increased opportunties available to
realize two distinct goals
(C)() The industrial goal of achieving greater flexibility in working time and working schedules in order to
participating responsibly in both economic and domestic-familial activity without
intolerable strains
huile many more women would doubtless prefer to have full-time employment, most men below eary
retirement age would see this as a necessit
ne traditional images of the "male breadwinner"and the
female housewife and mother "may be breaking down among females but this process is occurring more
slowly among males. Men do adopt the role of"househusband", but their number is still small enough to make
the examples newsworthy.
For this reason, a good deal of female employment, and especially that part of it which involves women with
depend on there being opportumities for then to participate in economic activity at the time and in locations
which fit in with their domestic responsibilities. However "useful"they might be to industry be
Waste of Talent
In consequence, the talents which exist within this section of the workforce are under-utilized. They served as
may do these extremely satisfactorily and at low cost to the employer, but skills and competencies developed
addition they have little opportunity to contribute ideas or suggestions around or outside the immediate
intimes of their particular job. This is because they are not suficiently woven into the fabric of the
anization to permit their insinuation (I )into discussions at the right moment or with sufice
o esure that hey get a hearing. They are treated as part of a peripheral(外的)wo
ideas have little chance of entering the mainstream of thought.
visibility. Research published recently by the Institute of Manpower Studies cont
ally still much underrepresented in management. It found