Editing is the final stage of the writing process. Once you are basically satisfied
with the content of your paper, you will want to turn your attention to the form
and expression of your ideas. At this point, you may need to rephrase or edit some
of your sentences. Rephrase any sentences that are not clear or precise. Finally
check your sentences to make sure they are grammatically and mechanically correct.
Catching your own mistakes is a skill that requires much practice. Most chapters
include a short editing exercise to help you develop this skill. You can also refer to"Unit 3
Refining Grammar Skills " for help with grammar forms that are challenging for you
As a last step, proofread your paper. Read the paper to find any remaining
errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, or punctuation. Remember that the writing
process is flexible. You do not move through the stages of the process in a rigid,
lockstep fashion. Instead, you will move back and forth between the stages, perhaps
going back to prewrite for some more material after you have revised or rewriting a
paragraph that you have just drafted
Discover the best way for you to prewrite, draft, and revise. Some people
spend more time prewriting than others; some people spend more time drafting
and revising or editing, There is no one right way. As you continue to refine your
composition skills, you will develop your own individual method.
Chapter 1: The Writing