Skills Vocabulary
in context: General sense
We have leamed some ways to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word, such as contras
clues, comparison clues and so on. in Unit One Book One
General sense, the words surrounding the unfamiliar word, which provides clues to the
word's meaning, is also a useful context clue
The angry driver shouted vehemently during his fight with the other driver
What does"vehemently "mean? You probably know what "angry"means, and you know
how people feel when they have such a fight. So you may have guessed from the context
that"vehemently"has something to do with "strong emotion or intense feeling
Find out the meanings of the words in italics by using context clues and then
discuss your answers with your partner.
1. Jamal didnt want to tell Tina the entire plot of the movie, so he just gave her the gist of
2. The lizard was so lethargic that T wasnt sure if it was alive or dead.
3. After the accident, I was angered when the other driver told the police officer a complete
fabrication about what happened. Ile made it seem that I was the only person at fault.
4. The public knows very little about the covert activities of CIA spies.
5. Whether or not there is life in outer space is an enigma. We may never know for sure
untl we are capable of space travel