better prepared 2 Practical writing
g gre
ceding cards
Greeting cards are sent on many occasions such as Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day
ather's Day, New Year, Valentine's Day, Teachers'day, graduation, engagement
marrage, birthday, retirement, etc. They play an important role in daily life. They are
usually made up of three parts
1) Name of the
The name can follow eit
is appropriate when you know the
person wel or when the person is a potential employer or a business acquaintance, /f
you know the person well, use their first name only. For a porential employer, use ME. or
Ms- unless you have been asked to use their first name. For a business acquaintance or
associate, it wil depend on how well you know the person. If you know them well, you
only If you dont know them wel. use M
or"ME. /Ms.+first name t last name"If the contact name is gender neutral (i.e. Taylor
Brown, and you are unsure about the gender, Dear Taylor Brown is also appropriate. A
2)The message
ongratulations for
),Best wishes for ." "Many happy retur
omplimentary close and the signature of the sender
In informal situations, the most common close for a card is"Love.However, this is
rely used by people who don'r know each other well. Its use is even rar
by one man to another. With love "is similar, but most often used between lovers. The
lose""isnt as wam, bu s use is safe, being more univesal -Yours sincerely is
used in more formal situations. " Yours truly"is both warm and form