for cancer in my district. In this race people bet on a winner, but the winner doesnt
get the money-all the money goes to cancer
research. I was so excited, but nervous too, since
the first time I ran, one of the screws on my right
prosthesis broke. I was afraid it would happen
again. But Gina helped me through it, and to
my surprise, I won the race! I felt great knowing
that a lot of people had bet on me and that all
the money was going to help people like me who
fight for their lives every single day
Cancer is a curse, but it can also be a gift,
a lesson. I learned that cancer doesn't have to
stop you from doing what you love, and it surely
doesnt have to kill you. It's just another obstacle
another hurdle you have to jump over, another
enemy you have to defeat in order to succeed in
life. Hopefully, though, in the future, we'll have
one less hurdle to jump over. There is no cure for
cancer yet, but somebody's going to find one, and
it's going to be me