I know of university classes ng
ago in the movies in Limerick and here I am sitting in
one, The History of Education in America, with Professor
Maxine Green up there on the platform telling us how the
Pilgrims educated their children. All around me are students
ibbling away in their notebooks ane
scribble myself. How am I supposed to know what
important out of all the things she's saying up there? Am
I supposed to remember everything? Some students rai
their hands to ask questions but I could never do that. The
whole class would stare at me and wonder who's the one
with the accent. I could try an American accent but th
never works. When
people always smile and say, De
I detect an Irish brogue?
The professor is saying the Pilgrims left Fngland to escape
religious persecution and that puzzles me beca
Pilgrims were English themselves and the English
always the ones who persecuted everyone else, especiall
he Irish. Id like to raise my hand and tell the professor hov
the Irish suffered for centu
der English rule but I'n
are everyone in this class has a high school diploma and if I
open my mouth they'll know I'm not one of them
Other students are easy about raising
ands and the
ays say, Well, I think
Some day I'll raise my I
Well, I think, but
I don't know what to think about Pilgrims and their