Wearing eye.
eYes. Mom, Ive been wearing 55
eyeliner for months. Isn't it pretty?
.Sandy Finch, you're too young
to wear that much makeup
20 Mom, Im fifteen. I'm old
enough to wear makeup. Believe me, all 60
the girls at school wear makeup. Some
have tattoos and pierced ears, and noses
and tongues, too. Mom, I dont have
time to talk about this now-i'm late
Ive got to go. See you later. Sandy 65
kissed her mother quickly on the cheek,
picked up her books, and bolted out of
the house.
After Sandy had left for school
Jane Finch sat down in peace and quiet 70
to drink her coffee. Soon her husband
Joined her.
.Would you like some coffee,
Steve?" asked Jane