his new life. Writings of this kind usually take the form of narration. When planninga narrative, you should consider the following points
When, where, and to whom the action of a narrative happened is often made clear at the
beginning of the narrative. This will provide the reader with a context so that he may have no
difficulty in understanding the whole story
Narratives usually have a beginning, a middle and an end. As mentioned above. th
setting is often given in the beginning: the middle describes the sequence of events that make
up your narrative: the significancc of your story is brought out in the end.
Selection of Details
A narrative comprises details. It is important to remember only those details that help
bring out the main idea of the narrative are useful and effective. When selecting details, therefore.
you should keep in mind your purpose in writing the narrative
Follow- Up Work
You can improre your writing by checking your oun work. You will also find it helpful to bre a damate ala
work. So do the following afte
1. Go through your essay carefully and then answer the questions on the checklist below
2. Exchange essays and checklists with a partner and check each other's work. Write ye
answers on your partners checklist