the bass are on the floor behind me so I can hear some of the lower frequencies and feel the beat in my feet. And I can feel
the energy of the song and the crowd goes crazy, you feel that
6 I use software that turns the music into lines of color on
The song comes to life
a computer screen. Red is the bass, blue is share, green is
the vocals or melody. I'm visually hearing the music. What
ove about deejaying is the creativity, what you can do with
machine, two turntables, and a mixer
The next time you go dancing cover your ears, and you1
eel a little bit of how I do it. You'li start using your Other senses
pou'll start seeing that you're able to hear the music in a differer
ay. Music is not all about hearing
I play all sorts of get-togethers now, from college parties
porate events. I also go to elementary schools for the deaf al
to the students about motivation and believing in themselv
big on talking to the parents. I tell them, "My advice to you
lyour kids) chase their dreams. Im a deaf DJ, so why not