the text
1 Answer the following questions
lents Calculate they can't
I Why do man
2 Why does the author say that a college
education is more and more seen as a means
for economic betterment rather than a mea
for human betterment?
3 How do you understand"These days, labs
are more vivid and compelling than libraries
(Para. 3)?
4 Why does the author say that the inner aspect
of our being has captured our imagination
from the very beginning?
5 According to the author, what are the
advantages of studying the humanities?
6 How do you understand the statement that
we are liable to miss many opportunities if we
study the humanities alone?
7 What are "well-rounded human beings
(Para. 10) according to the author?
8 Why does the author say "Who knows how
famous YOU might become! at the end of
the text?