
北师大初中英语九年级 unit8 expansion 8

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北师大初中英语九年级 unit8 expansion 8
Unit 8 Keeping Safe
Expansion 8
Exercise 3
What should we do
if we need to call the emergency services?
Well,first.You need to know
the number of the emergency services
in the place where you live.
Okay.What happens
when you call the emergency number?
When you call the emergency number,
an operator will answer your call.
The operator asks you which service you need
the police,the fire department,
or an ambulance service.
You should tell the operator clearly
what the situation is,
and which service you need.
It is important to speak calmly and clearly,
so that the operator can understand you.
Does the operator ask for any other information
Yes,The operator asks the caller
where he or she is calling from
and also asks for the caller's name.
Okay. What else should we remember
when making an emergency call?
It is very important to keep calm.
Many people,because they are nervous or upset
or scared, forget to give very important
information to the operator.
For example,they tell the operator
about a fire on Mason Street
but they do not mention
which part of the city the fire is in.
And there may be more than one Mason Street
in the same city.
Exactly.Sometimes,because of
receiving wrong or incomplete information,
the emergency services waste time
by going to the wrong place.
Thank you for telling me
how to use the emergency services.
Exercise 7
In my house,
we have a list of emergency telephone numbers.
On the list we have the telephone numbers of
the place where my dad works
and the place where my mom works.
We also have the telephone numbers of
our neighbors,
Mr and Mrs Wallace and the telephone number of
my aunt and uncle.
The list is stuck to the wall
next to the telephone in the kitchen.

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