
牛津初中英语三年级 Unit1:新闻

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牛津初中英语三年级 Unit1:新闻
1.It's nice of you to bring me the newspaper,Hobo.
2.You should readyour stars,Eddie.It's very interesting.
3.Wow! It says I'llhave lots to eat anddrink today.I won'tbe hungry!
4.Well,you shouldn'tworry about nothaving breakfast then.Hobo!
AWhat is your starsign?
Millie knows whatthe star signs sayabout people are notfacts,
but she wants tolearn about herclassmates'star signsjust for fun.
She is reading anarticle about the 12star singns.Here isthe article.
Star signs A year is dividedinto 12 differentstar signs.
The time of yourbirthday decides yourstar sign.
Some people believethat people bornunder the same starsign
stare similarcharacteristics.
21st Mar-20th Apr You are energeticand active,
butsometimes tooimpatient.You like tobe the leader.
Some people thinkthat you are selfishat times.
21st Apr-21st May You are stubbornand do not likechange.
You are a hard-working person.Youare patient and donot give up easily.
22nd May-21st Jun You are a curiousand clever person.youare outgoing.
You love to talk.
22nd Jun -22nd Jul
You are kind.Youlove your home andfamily and like totake care of others.
You like saving moneyand cooking.
23rd Jul - 22nd Aug You are a strongand confident person.
You are generous.You like to buy yourfriends nice gifts.
23rd Aug -22nd Sept You are a modestperson.You worry toomuch at times.
You are practical andyou always payattention to details.
23rd Sept-22nd Oct You are a politeand fair person.
You are elegant andlove beautiful things.
You love peace and donot like to arguewith others.
23rd Oct -21st Nov You are a powerfulperson and have lotsof energy.
You like to keepsecrets.
However,sometimes itis silly of you notto forgive others fortheir faults.
22nd Nov-20th Dec You enjoy life andhave a good sense ofhumour.
You are often lucky.You love t ravelingto different places.
21st Dec-20th Jan You are businesslikeand are oftensuccessful.
You are good atmaking or planningthings.
You are patientenough to waitwithout getting angry.
21st Jan-19th Feb You are kind andwise.You have manyfriends.
However,some peoplethink that you arestrange as you hateto be like anyone
else and you tryeverything just to bedifferent.
20th Feb-20th Mar You are generous,kink,gentle and easy-going.
You are also creativeand imaginative.You like to dreamabout everything.
Integrated skills A What will happen?
A1 Millie wants tofind out what theChinese horoscope
says about her thismonth.
She is reading MasterZhang's forecast.
Help her complete hernotes with as mushinformation aspossible.
This month,you willhave a lot tocelebrate.
First,you will have anew friend.
Then you will havesuccess at school orwork around themiddle of the month.
Finally,you will begiven some money.Enjoy your month!
For more details,please call MasterZhang on 5556 0678.
This month,I willhave a mixture of(1)______ and (2)______ .
I will meet a new(3)_____.We will havelots of (4)_____together.
I will have (5)_____at school around themiddle of the month.
I will also be givensome (6)_____ but Imust spend it (7)_____ .
I will also go to a(8)_____.However,Imay have problemswith my (9)_____.
I will need to getlots of rest and eat(10)______ food if Iam feeling weak.
Otherwise,I might get(11)_____ .
A2 Listen to whatMaster Zhang says ina radio programme
and complete the restof Millie's notes inPart A1.
A3 Amy is making somepredictions forMillie as well.
However,they are notthe same as MasterZhang's.
Listen to Amy andhelp Millie writegdown Amy'spredictions.
Then writedown Master Zhang'spredictions besideAmy's
B Speak up:talking about a newchairperson
The Students' Unionneeds a newchairperson.
You are talking aboutwhy some classmatesmay or may not besuitable for the post
Work in pairs.UseMillie and Kitty'sconversation as amodel
Peter:He isimaginative and verygenerous,but he likesto dream.
Suzy:She is hard-working and stubborn.She does not give upeasily.
David:He is lively,clever and outgoing.
Millie: Do you thinkpeter would be a goodchairperson?
Kitty:Well,he likesto dream.I don'tthink he's be able toorganize thins well.
Millie:True,but he'simaginative enough tocome up with newideas.
He's also verygenerous.
Kitty:I'm not sure.Who else would besuitable?

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