
List of Jobs and Occupations | Types of Jobs with Pictures,工作英语词汇

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List of Jobs and Occupations with Pictures and Examples

Waiter – The waiter brought up the next dish.

Paramedic – A paramedic bandaged his foot.

Dentist – You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.

Train conductor – He is a train conductor.

Nurse – The nurse should try to develop empathy between herself and the patient.

Electrician – We need an electrician to mend the iron.

Doctor – The doctor forbids him to smoke.

Businessman – The rich businessman gave his whole fortune to the hospital.

American football player – I was a fairly good American football player in my youth.

Student – The teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling.

Surgeon – The surgeon is performing an eye operation.

Doorman – I showed the doorman my card and he gave a friendly nod.

Secretary – My secretary will phone you to arrange a meeting.

Soldier – He wants to be a soldier when he grows up.

Repairman – The repairman installed an iron latch on the door.

Scientist – Einstein was a great scientist.

Reporter – She was a TV reporter and worked long hours.

Construction worker – My father is a temporary construction worker. He moves around all the time.

Professor – Tom reported his discoveries to the professor.

Police officer – I was a police officer in the city of New York.

Postman – The postman has brought a parcel for you.

Photographer – I think she will be successful as a photographer.

Pilot – The pilot inquired about the weather condition.

Catholic nun – Later into her life she would become a Catholic nun.

Painter – The young painter has exhibited in several galleries.

Mechanic – The mechanic was busy repairing the machine.

Magician – The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.

Lifeguard – There is always a lifeguard to ensure that no one comes to any harm.

Lunchroom supervisor – He is a lunchroom supervisor at a school.

Clown – She dressed up as a clown with a white face and red nose.

Housekeeper – You need a housekeeper to nurse your property.

Gardener – The gardener mows the grass regularly.

Geisha – I took a very strict examination to become a geisha.

Footballer – The footballer took a strike at the goal.

Forest ranger – The group was noticed by a forest ranger, who notified border guards.

Builder – Her father was a builder in Birmingham.

Foreman – The foreman is always swearing at the workers.

Farmer – The farmer grows potatoes in this field.

Flight attendant – The flight attendant welcomed us aboard.

Fireman – The fireman sent jets of water into the burning house.

Engineer – The young engineer rejoiced in his success.

Carpenter – The carpenter was hammering in his workshop.

Architect – He is the architect who planned the new shopping centre.

Boxer – The boxer has fought many opponents.

Cameraman – A cameraman and the art director were injured in the incident.

Detective – Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in stories.

Journalist – My job as a journalist is to expose the truth.

Housewife – I don’t want to be a housewife after marriage.

Diver She wants to become a diver.

Pope – He was the first pope to visit the White House.

Priest – She asked the priest to pray with her.

Salesman – He is still a salesman and can relate to the situation.

Librarian – The librarian entered a new book in the catalogue.

Pirate – Edward played at being a pirate.

Singer – She’s a singer with a band.

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