Coronavirus cases in children have been on the decline for nearly two months, according to new data.
美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会的最新报告发现,在截至 10 月 21 日的一周内,记录了近 118,000 例儿童冠状病毒病例。
An updated report from The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association found that nearly 118,000 coronavirus cases among children were documented in the week leading up to Oct. 21.
报告称,虽然这是儿童新冠病毒病例连续第七周下降,但“118,000 例新诊断儿童的数量仍然非常高”。在那一周,儿童占报告病例的 25%。
While it is the seventh consecutive week of declining new coronavirus cases in kids, "118,000 cases remains an extremely high number of newly diagnosed children," the report said. For that week, children made up 25% of the reported cases.
美国儿童的新感染病例在 9 月初达到顶峰,因为许多父母让他们的孩子重新接受面对面的学习。现在病例正在下降,因为美国即将为 5-11 岁的儿童批准 COVID-19 疫苗。美国食品和药物管理局的疫苗咨询委员会定于周二对疫苗的授权进行投票。
New infections among American children peaked in early September as many parents sent their kids back to in-person learning. Now cases are declining as the U.S. is on the cusp of potentially authorizing a COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5-11. The Food and Drug Administration's vaccine advisory committee is scheduled to vote on the shot's authorization on Tuesday.
自大流行开始以来,已记录了近 630 万例儿童冠状病毒病例。
Nearly 6.3 million coronavirus cases in children have been recorded since the pandemic started.
报告说:“目前看来,由于 COVID-19 导致的严重疾病在儿童中并不常见。” “然而,迫切需要收集更多关于大流行对儿童的长期影响的数据,包括病毒可能损害受感染儿童长期身体健康的方式,以及它对情绪和心理健康的影响。”
"At this time, it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is uncommon among children," the report said. "However, there is an urgent need to collect more data on longer-term impacts of the pandemic on children, including ways the virus may harm the long-term physical health of infected children, as well as its emotional and mental health effects."