
医疗保险秋季公开招生:您需要知道的 Medicare Fall Open Enrollment: What You Need to Know

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  发表于 Oct 27, 2021 08:17:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
每年的 Medicare 秋季开放注册期,也称为年度选举期,是拥有 Medicare 的人可以选择或更改其 Medicare 承保范围的时期。每年的 10 15 日至 12 7 日期间,Medicare 秋季开放注册开始。

The annual Medicare Fall Open Enrollment Period, also known as the Annual Election Period, is a time when people with Medicare can choose or alter their Medicare coverage. The Medicare Fall Open Enrollment runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 of each year.

当您不知道去哪里寻找信息时,寻找适合您需求的正确 Medicare 计划、审查免赔额并了解处方药承保范围或“甜甜圈洞”可能会令人困惑。

Finding the right Medicare plan to fit your needs, reviewing deductibles and understanding the prescription drug coverage gap, or "donut hole," can be confusing when you don't know where to look for information.

以下是受益人在 Medicare 秋季开放注册期间应考虑的一些常见问题:

What follows are some FAQs what beneficiaries should consider during the Medicare Fall Open Enrollment Period:

问:Medicare 秋季开放注册期是什么时候?

Q: What's the Medicare Fall Open Enrollment Period?

答:从 10 15 日到 12 7 日的联邦医疗保险秋季开放注册期是联邦医疗保险受益人审查、调整或更改计划的窗口。根据凯撒家庭基金会对医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心的医疗保险登记文件的分析,大约有 6120 万医疗保险接受者。

A: The Medicare Fall Open Enrollment Period, which runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, is the window for Medicare recipients to review, tailor or change their plans. There are roughly 61.2 million Medicare recipients, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Medicare enrollment files.

Medicare 秋季开放注册期间,受益人能够:

During the Medicare fall open enrollment period, beneficiaries are able to:

从原始联邦医疗保险的 A 部分和 B 部分更改为或更改为 Medicare Advantage 计划。

从一种 Medicare Advantage 计划更改为另一种。

加入 D 部分处方药计划、从一种 Medicare 处方药计划更改为另一种或完全退出 Medicare 处方药承保范围。

在此期间所做的更改将于明年 1 1 日生效。

Change to or from a Medicare Advantage plan from Original Medicare, Part A and Part B.

Change from one Medicare Advantage plan to another.

Enroll in a Part D prescription drug plan, change from one Medicare prescription drug plan to another or opt out of Medicare prescription drug coverage completely.

Changes made during this period go into effect Jan. 1 of the next year.

Allsup 的前运营经理保拉·穆施勒 (Paula Muschler) 说,过去一年中的一些医疗保险计划可能已经改变,或者保费可能有所上升或下降,Allsup 是一家为医疗保险受益人提供保险选择建议的私营公司。 “不要把它放在一边,不要认为你的计划不会改变,”他说。 “可能是很小的变化,但它们可能是你需要注意的变化。”

Some Medicare plans during the past year may have been altered or premiums may have risen or fallen, says Paula Muschler, former operations manager for Allsup, a private company that advises Medicare beneficiaries on their coverage options. "Don't put it aside, don't think your plan isn't changing," he says. "It might be small changes, but they may be changes you need to pay attention to."


Medicare beneficiaries are encouraged to review their Medicare coverage every year during fall open enrollment to see if there are new Medicare plan options that may better suit their needs.

问:几个月后我将年满 65 岁——我将有资格享受 Medicare,但我还没有加入。在初始注册期间我应该做什么?

Q: I turn 65 in a few months I'll be eligible for Medicare, but I haven't enrolled yet. What should I do during my Initial Enrollment Period?

答:即将获得 Medicare 资格的人有不同的截止日期。

A: People who will become Medicare-eligible soon have a different deadline.

当您首次有资格享受 Medicare 时,年满 65 岁的人可以在 65 岁生日前三个月开始到生日后三个月结束的七个月窗口内注册 Medicare。此注册期称为初始注册期。建议不要等到最后一刻才查看可供您使用的 Medicare 计划选项。

When you're first eligible for Medicare, people turning age 65 can sign up for Medicare during a seven-month window that begins three months before their 65th birthday and ends three months after their birthday month. This enrollment period is known as the Initial Enrollment Period. It's encouraged not to wait until the last minute to review the Medicare plan options available to you.

“你想尽早开始的原因是你不希望有任何(医疗保险)差距,”Muschler 说。 “您需要审查您的选择以及您将如何使用您的保险。”

"The reason you want to start early is you don't want any (medical coverage) gap," Muschler says. "You need to review your options and how you will use your coverage."

需要考虑的事项:您有首选的医疗保健提供者或医院吗?你的健康需求是什么?如果您搬家,您特别选择的 Medicare 承保范围会随身携带吗?您的药物是否在承保范围内?每次配药时您将自费支付多少?您可以在哪里配药是否有限制,如果有,该计划的首选药房是否靠近您居住的地方?

Things to consider: Do you have a preferred health care provider or hospital? What are your health needs? Will your particular choice of Medicare coverage travel with you if you move? Are your medications covered and how much will you pay out-of-pocket each time you fill them? Are there restrictions on where you can fill your prescriptions, and if so, are the plan's preferred pharmacies close to where you live?


Q: Should I sign up for the Affordable Care Act instead?

答:如果您已加入或有资格享受 Medicare,则不会。 ACA 下的健康保险市场旨在帮助不符合 Medicare 资格的个人获得健康保险。

A: Not if you're enrolled in or eligible for Medicare. The Health Insurance Marketplace under the ACA is designed to help individuals not eligible for Medicare access health insurance.

此外,如果您显然有资格获得或目前受 Medicare 承保,则保险经纪人或健康计划向您出售 Marketplace 计划是违法的。

Moreover, it's illegal for an insurance broker or a health plan to sell you a Marketplace plan if it's clear that you're eligible for or are currently covered by Medicare.

问:我可以从哪里获得有关注册 Medicare 的信息和帮助?

Q: Where can I get information about and assistance signing up for Medicare?


A: There are many available resources.

如需免费的个性化咨询服务,您可以联系您的州健康保险援助计划。在 shiptacenter.org 上查找您的。

For free personalized counseling services you can reach out to your State Health Insurance Assistance Program. Find yours at shiptacenter.org.


The Medicare Rights Center also has a national helpline, which can be reached at: 1-800-333-4114.

Medicare 咨询 Allsup 还提供选择 Medicare 承保范围的个性化帮助,可以拨打 866-521-7655 AARP 等网站联系。美国新闻还有一个指南,为寻求了解或购买 Medicare 计划的消费者提供信息。

Medicare advisory Allsup also provides personalized assistance selecting Medicare coverage and can be reached at 866-521-7655, as do websites such as AARP. U.S. News also has a guide that offers information for consumers who are seeking to understand or purchase Medicare plans.

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