
英国首相宣布“有针对性”的措施来对抗 Omicron Covid-19 变种

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  发表于 Nov 28, 2021 03:20:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊 (Boris Johnson) 表示,由于对新的 Omicron Covid-19 变体的担忧,英国现在必须采取“有针对性和相称的措施”。

“我必须强调这一点:与往常一样,对于一个新的变种,在这个早期阶段,有很多我们无法知道的事情。我们的科学家每小时都在学习更多。看来 Omicron 传播非常迅速,可以在人与人之间传播双重接种疫苗的人。还有一个非常广泛的突变,这意味着它与病毒以前的配置有很大不同,因此,随着时间的推移,它至少可能部分地降低我们疫苗的保护作用,”约翰逊说。新闻发布会。



“我们不会阻止人们旅行。但我们将要求任何进入英国的人在抵达后的第二天结束前进行 PCR 检测,并自我隔离直到结果呈阴性,”约翰逊说. “......除了我们已经采取的措施来定位过去 10 天内去过受关注国家的人之外,我们将要求所有接触过 Omicron 疑似病例的人进行自我隔离无论您的疫苗接种状态如何,都可以使用 10 天。”


“我们尚不确切知道我们的疫苗对 Omicron 的有效性如何,但我们有充分的理由相信它们至少会提供一定程度的保护。如果你得到提升,你的反应可能会更强烈。因此,比以往任何时候都更重要的是,人们接受他们的刺戳,我们尽快将这些助推器投入使用,”约翰逊说。




UK prime minister announces "targeted" measures to combat Omicron Covid-19 variant

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the UK must take "targeted and proportionate measures now" amid concerns over the new Omicron Covid-19 variant.

"I must stress this: As always, with a new variant, there are many things we just cannot know at this early stage. Our scientists are learning more hour by hour. It does appear that Omicron spreads very rapidly and can be spread between people who are double vaccinated. There is also a very extensive mutation, which means it diverges quite significantly from previous configurations of the virus, and as a result, it might at least in part reduce the protection of our vaccines over time," Johnson said in a press conference.

Two cases of the variant have been detected in the UK so far.

Johnson also announced additional measures:

"We're not going to stop people traveling. But we will require anyone who enters the UK to take a PCR test by the end of the second day after their arrival and to self-isolate until they have a negative result," Johnson said. "...In addition to the measures we're already taking to locate those who have been in countries of concern over the last 10 days, we will require all contacts of those who test positive with a suspected case of Omicron to self-isolate for 10 days regardless of your vaccination status."

The prime minister said his country will also "boost the booster campaign" in an effort to get as many people possible their vaccine booster shot.

“We don't yet exactly know how effective our vaccines will be against Omicron, but we have good reasons for believing they will provide at least some measure of protection. And if you're boosted, your response is likely to be stronger. So it's more vital than ever that people get their jabs and we get those boosters into arms as fast as possible,” Johnson said.

Johnson said rules on face coverings in stores and on public transportation will be "tightening up."

The new measures will be reviewed in three weeks, he said.

Johnson expressed his "deep gratitude" to scientists in South Africa for identifying this variant.

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