
美国联邦航空局发布与 5G 技术相关的飞机限制,警告可能的航班改道

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  发表于 Dec 9, 2021 01:21:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
美国联邦航空管理局周二宣布了一项新规定,禁止飞行员在低空使用自动着陆和其他某些飞行系统,因为 5G 无线信号可能会干扰机载测量飞机与地面距离的仪器。

美国联邦航空局表示,该规则影响了 6,800 多架美国飞机和数十家飞机制造商,可能会导致一些涉及低能见度条件的航线中断,飞行员通常必须依靠称为无线电高度计的设备才能安全着陆。

美国联邦航空局表示,存在潜在风险,即 5G 信号可能导致读数错误,从而可能使飞行在这些条件下不安全。周二,该机构发布了一项几乎相同的规则,涵盖了 1,800 多架美国直升机。


该机构表示:“存在一种不安全的情况,需要立即通过此[命令],而无需在通过前提供公众评论的机会。” “美国联邦航空局发现,飞行公众面临的风险证明在采用此规则之前放弃通知和评论是合理的,因为飞机自动化或飞行员未检测到的无线电高度计异常,特别是靠近地面(例如着陆照明弹),可能导致继续安全飞行和着陆的损失。”

该机构表示,美国联邦航空局计划在未来发布更具体的命令,以确定哪些机场将受到限制的影响。受影响机场的名单将取决于附近“已经或将要”安装 C 波段天线的机场的无线行业数据。

该决定是在电信运营商计划于 1 5 日在全国开通一系列 5G 无线服务之际做出的。运营商将 5G 描述为下一代移动数据服务,可以支持更快的速度和更低的延迟,从而能够广泛采用更多的智能设备和网络通信。

1 月份推出的 5G 服务将使用的电波覆盖了称为 C 波段的无线电频谱的一部分,该频段与无线电高度计用于测量飞机高度的电波相邻。

无线行业最初计划在 12 月启用 5G 天线,但由于航空业对可能的干扰提出投诉,因此同意将推出时间推迟一个月。

主要无线贸易组织 CTIA 表示,其他国家已经安全地将 C 波段无线电波用于 5G,并且“激活该频谱的任何延迟都会危及美国的竞争力,并危及我们确保全球 5G 领导地位的能力。”

美国联邦航空局表示,它已经与无线行业和联邦通信委员会取得了进展,以确保 5G 的推出和航空“将安全共存”,并继续与他们合作,尽管周二有限制。

FAA issues aircraft restrictions linked to 5G technology, warns of possible flight diversions

The Federal Aviation Administration announced a new rule on Tuesday that forbids pilots from using auto-landing and other certain flight systems at low altitudes where 5G wireless signals could interfere with onboard instruments that measure a plane's distance to the ground.

The rule, which affects more than 6,800 US airplanes and dozens of aircraft manufacturers, could lead to disruptions in some flight routes involving low-visibility conditions where pilots typically must rely on equipment known as radio altimeters to land safely, the FAA said.

There is a potential risk, the FAA said, that the 5G signals could lead to faulty readings that may make flying unsafe in these conditions. On Tuesday, the agency issued a nearly identical rule that covers more than 1,800 US helicopters.

Characterizing the orders as urgent, the FAA bypassed the typical public feedback process in issuing the restrictions.

"An unsafe condition exists that requires the immediate adoption of this [order] without providing an opportunity for public comments prior to adoption," the agency said. "The FAA has found that the risk to the flying public justifies forgoing notice and comment prior to adoption of this rule because radio altimeter anomalies that are undetected by the aircraft automation or pilot, particularly close to the ground (e.g. landing flare), could lead to loss of continued safe flight and landing."

The FAA plans to issue more specific orders in the future that will identify which airports will be affected by the restrictions, the agency said. The list of affected airports will rely on wireless industry data about the airports that "have or will have" C-Band antennas installed nearby.

The decision comes as telecom carriers plan to switch on a range of 5G wireless services across the country on Jan. 5. Carriers have described 5G as a next-generation mobile data service that can support faster speeds and lower latency, enabling the widespread adoption of more smart devices and networked communications.

The airwaves to be used by the 5G service launching in January cover a part of the radio frequency spectrum known as the C-Band, which is adjacent to the airwaves used by radio altimeters to gauge a plane's altitude.

The wireless industry had initially planned to switch on the 5G antennas in December, but agreed to postpone the rollout by a month in the face of airline industry complaints about possible interference.

CTIA, a major wireless trade group, has said other countries already safely use C-Band airwaves for 5G and that "any delay in activating this spectrum risks America's competitiveness and jeopardizes our ability to ensure global 5G leadership."

The FAA said it has made progress with the wireless industry and the Federal Communications Commission to ensure that 5G's rollout and aviation "will safely coexist," and is continuing to work with them despite Tuesday's restrictions.

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