
纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 的 Twitter 帐户因宣布印度将采用比特币而遭到黑客攻击

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  发表于 Dec 15, 2021 01:55:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(CNN Business) 纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 的推特句柄“非常短暂地遭到破坏”,他的办公室表示,当时印度总理的账户发送了一条推文,称他的国家已经采用了比特币,并将分发这种加密货币。



据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)的附属机构 News-18 报道,几位推特用户分享了印度总理的个人推特账户@narendramodi 发布的推文截图,当时该推文遭到入侵。

屏幕截图显示:“印度已正式接受比特币作为法定货币。政府已正式购买 500 BTC”并将“分发给该国所有居民”。


莫迪在推特上拥有超过 7000 万粉丝——在世界领导人中名列前茅。


9 月,萨尔瓦多成为世界上第一个采用加密货币作为法定货币的国家,上个月,该国总统纳伊布·布克勒 (Nayib Bukele) 表示,他计划建造世界上第一个“比特币城”——最初由比特币支持的债券提供资金。


这种语言留下了很大的解释空间。该法案没有具体说明“私人”加密货币的含义,因此尚不清楚这是否适用于世界上交易量最大的硬币,包括比特币和以太坊。印度财政部上个月没有回应 CNN Business 关于该法案的问题。它尚未在本届议会会议上提出。

Diksha Madhok 为本报告做出了贡献。

Narendra Modi's Twitter account hacked with announcement India would adopt Bitcoin

(CNN Business)Narendra Modi's Twitter handle was "very briefly compromised," his office said, when a tweet was sent from the Indian Prime Minister's account saying his country had adopted Bitcoin and would be distributing the cryptocurrency.

"The matter was escalated to Twitter and the account has been immediately secured," the Indian PM's office said in a tweet on Sunday.

"In the brief period that the account was compromised, any Tweet shared must be ignored," officials added.

Several Twitter users shared screenshots of the tweet put out from the Indian Prime Minister's personal twitter account, @narendramodi, when it was compromised, according to CNN's affiliate News-18.

The screenshot read: "India has officially accepted bitcoin as legal tender. The government has officially bought 500 BTC" and would be "distributing them to all residents of the country."

That tweet has since been deleted. Along with the tweet, a possible scam link was also attached.

Modi has more than 70 million followers on Twitter among the most of any world leader.

India does not recognize Bitcoin as legal tender.

In September, El Salvador became the first country in the world to adopt the cryptocurrency as legal tender and last month, the country's president Nayib Bukele said he planned to build the world's first "Bitcoin City" funded initially by Bitcoin-backed bonds.

India has even recently entertained the idea of a ban on crypto. Last month, Modi's government said that it was preparing to introduce a bill that would "prohibit all private cryptocurrencies in India." But the description of the bill also says it would allow for "certain exceptions to promote the underlying technology of cryptocurrency and its uses."

That language leaves a lot of room for interpretation. The bill didn't specify what is meant by "private" cryptocurrencies, so it's not clear whether that applies to the world's most heavily traded coins, including bitcoin and ethereum. India's finance ministry did not respond to questions from CNN Business about the bill last month. It has yet to be presented in the current parliamentary session.

Diksha Madhok contributed to this report.

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