精神科医生使用哪些治疗方法? What Treatments Do Psychiatrists Use? 精神科医生会根据每位患者的需要使用多种治疗方法,包括各种形式的心理治疗、药物治疗、社会心理干预和其他治疗(例如电休克疗法或 ECT)。 Psychiatrists use a variety of treatments – including various forms of psychotherapy, medications, psychosocial interventions and other treatments (such as electroconvulsive therapy or ECT), depending on the needs of each patient. 心理疗法,有时也称为谈话疗法,是一种涉及治疗师和患者之间谈话关系的治疗方法。它可用于治疗各种精神障碍和情绪困难。心理治疗的目标是消除或控制致残或令人不安的症状,以便患者能够更好地发挥作用。根据问题的严重程度,治疗可能只需要一两个星期的几个疗程,也可能需要数年的许多疗程。心理治疗可以单独进行,也可以夫妻、家庭或团体一起进行。 Psychotherapy, sometimes called talk therapy, is a treatment that involves a talking relationship between a therapist and patient. It can be used to treat a broad variety of mental disorders and emotional difficulties. The goal of psychotherapy is to eliminate or control disabling or troubling symptoms so the patient can function better. Depending on the extent of the problem, treatment may take just a few sessions over a week or two or may take many sessions over a period of years. Psychotherapy can be done individually, as a couple, with a family, or in a group. 心理治疗有多种形式。有帮助患者改变行为或思维模式的心理治疗,帮助患者探索过去的关系和经历对当前行为的影响的心理治疗,以及为帮助以特定方式解决其他问题而量身定制的心理治疗。认知行为疗法是一种以解决问题为重点的目标导向疗法。精神分析是个人心理治疗的一种强化形式,需要数年的频繁治疗。 There are many forms of psychotherapy. There are psychotherapies that help patients change behaviors or thought patterns, psychotherapies that help patients explore the effect of past relationships and experiences on present behaviors, and psychotherapies that are tailored to help solve other problems in specific ways. Cognitive behavior therapy is a goal-oriented therapy focusing on problem solving. Psychoanalysis is an intensive form of individual psychotherapy which requires frequent sessions over several years. 精神科医生使用大多数药物的方式与药物用于治疗高血压或糖尿病的方式大致相同。在完成彻底的评估后,精神科医生可以开药来帮助治疗精神障碍。虽然精神科药物的确切作用机制尚不完全清楚,但它们可能有益地调节大脑内的化学信号和交流,从而减少精神疾病的某些症状。接受长期药物治疗的患者需要定期与他们的精神科医生会面,以监测药物的有效性和任何潜在的副作用。 Most medications are used by psychiatrists in much the same way that medications are used to treat high blood pressure or diabetes. After completing thorough evaluations, psychiatrists can prescribe medications to help treat mental disorders. While the precise mechanism of action of psychiatric medications is not fully understood, they may beneficially modulate chemical signaling and communication within the brain, which may reduce some symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Patients on long-term medication treatment will need to meet with their psychiatrist periodically to monitor the effectiveness of the medication and any potential side effects. |