
卡夫会付给你 20 美元让你不要在圣诞节做芝士蛋糕

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  发表于 Dec 16, 2021 04:55:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
纽约(CNN 商业)卡夫正在利用其奶油奶酪短缺作为营销机会。

在这个假期的短短几天内,少数人将能够在甜点上花费 20 美元,并将其收费给费城奶油奶酪的所有者卡夫。前提:那些因为找不到奶油奶酪而不能烤芝士蛋糕的人可以用卡夫的一角钱买到另一种烘焙食品。

它是这样运作的:对优惠感兴趣的人可以访问卡夫设立的一个特殊网站。 12 17 日至 18 日,其中多达 18,000 人将能够获得获得假期款待报销的权利。他们将能够在几周后向公司提交收据。



去年,随着越来越多的人在家烘焙和吃饭,与 2019 年相比,对奶油奶酪的需求增长了约 18%。根据卡夫 (KHC) 的数据,到 2021 年仍保持在这一高水平。与此同时,餐厅也在订购更多的产品。

据店主称,从费城采购奶油芝士的 Junior's Cheesecake 上周表示,它一直在努力获得足够的关键成分供应,并且偶尔被迫暂停芝士蛋糕的生产。据报道,纽约市百吉饼店也很难买到足够的奶油奶酪。

费城营销总监 Basak Oguz 表示,为了满足需求,卡夫正在向其费城品牌注入资金。

“我们正在向费城奶油奶酪投资数百万美元,”她在一封电子邮件中告诉 CNN Business,并补充说这些资金将有助于提高生产能力。

Oguz 补充说,该公司已暂时停止生产“数量非常有限”的费城产品,以便增加其更受欢迎产品的产量。

Kraft will pay you $20 not to make cheesecake for Christmas

New York (CNN Business)Kraft is using its cream cheese shortage as a marketing opportunity.

For just a few days this holiday season, a limited number of people will be able to spend $20 on dessert and charge it to Kraft, owner of Philadelphia Cream Cheese. The premise: People who can't bake cheesecakes because they can't find cream cheese can get another baked good on Kraft's dime.

Here's how it works: People interested in the offer can visit a special website set up by Kraft. On December 17 and 18, up to 18,000 of them will be able to nab the right to get reimbursement for a holiday treat. They'll be able to submit receipts to the company a few weeks later.

For Kraft, the campaign is a way to soften the blow of empty cream cheese shelves -- and keep customers thinking about Philadelphia cream cheese, without souring on the brand.

Cream cheese is the latest hard-to-come-by grocery item in a year of shortages. A spike in cream cheese demand during the pandemic has made it difficult to keep shelves stocked, Kraft said.

Last year, with more people baking and eating at home, demand for cream cheese jumped about 18% compared to 2019. It's stayed at that high level in 2021, according to Kraft (KHC). Meanwhile, restaurants are also ordering more of the product.

Junior's Cheesecake, which sources its cream cheese from Philadelphia, said last week that it has been struggling to get enough supply of the key ingredient, and it's been forced to occasionally pause cheesecake production, according to the owner. New York City bagel shops have also reportedly struggled to get enough cream cheese.

To keep up with demand, Kraft is pumping funds into its Philadelphia brand, said Basak Oguz, Philadelphia marketing director.

"We're investing millions of dollars on Philadelphia cream cheese," she told CNN Business in an email, adding that the funds will help increase production capacity.

Oguz added that the company has temporarily stopped making "a very limited number" of Philadelphia products so it can increase production of its more popular items.

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