(CNN) 据白宫称,总统乔·拜登 (Joe Biden) 周四签署了提高债务上限的法案,该法案于本周早些时候通过了国会。
国会投票决定将国债上限提高 2.5 万亿美元,并将其延长至 2023 年,此前立法者竞相在关键的周中最后期限之前避免灾难性违约。
参议院周二动议通过立法,以提高党派投票的限制,最终票数为 50 票对 49 票。众议院在周三凌晨以 221 票对 209 票通过了该法案。伊利诺伊州共和党众议员亚当金辛格是唯一一个打破等级并与民主党一起投票的成员。
Biden signs debt limit increase, averting potential economic disaster
(CNN)President Joe Biden on Thursday signed the bill raising the debt limit ceiling that passed Congress earlier this week, according to the White House.
Congress voted to raise the national debt limit by $2.5 trillion and extend it into 2023 after lawmakers raced to avert a catastrophic default ahead of a critical midweek deadline.
The Senate moved on Tuesday to pass legislation to increase the limit in a vote that fell along party lines with a final tally of 50 to 49. The House voted 221-209 in the early hours of Wednesday morning to approve the bill. GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois was the lone member to break ranks and voted with Democrats.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had warned that the debt limit could be reached on Wednesday, leaving Congress little time left to resolve the issue. A first-ever default could have sparked economic disaster and party leaders on both sides of the aisle had made clear it must be prevented.