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  发表于 Dec 17, 2021 01:55:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(美国有线电视新闻网)据该国司法部长称,两个月前在海地被武装团伙绑架的其余 12 名人质已于周四获释。

10 16 日,代表基督教援助部的 17 名传教士,包括 16 名美国人和一名加拿大人,在开车经过首都太子港外的 Croix des Bouquet 郊区时被武装人员绑架。这群人从一家孤儿院回来,正准备返回他们的大本营。

其中两名传教士于 11 21 日获释。两周后,又有 3 名人质获释,其余 12 名人质于周四上午获释。

海地安全部队的一名消息人士称,其余人质于东部时间凌晨 5 点左右在 Morne Cabrit 附近获释,并被当地人发现并通知了当局。

据海地当时的司法部长称,当局称应对绑架事件负责的团伙 400 Mawozo 最初要求每名人质 100 万美元的赎金。



“我们因祷告得​​到回应而荣耀上帝——其余 12 名人质是自由的!和我们一起赞美上帝,我们所有的 17 位亲人现在都安全了。感谢你们在过去两个月里热切的祈祷。我们希望提供更多信息尽我们所能,”声明中写道。

“我要向耶和华歌唱,因为他大大得胜”(出埃及记 15:1b),”它总结道。

在海地,为勒索赎金的绑架活动十分普遍,而且往往不分青红皂白,针对富人和穷人、年轻人和老年人。据当地人权组织 CARDH 称,犯罪率上升伴随着该国的政治不稳定,在 7 月总统 Jovenel Moise 被暗杀后的几个月里,绑架事件激增。 400 Mawozo 组织因集体绑架而臭名昭著。


Remaining missionaries kidnapped in Haiti released by gang, says justice minister

(CNN)The remaining 12 hostages kidnapped by an armed gang in Haiti two months ago were released Thursday, according to the country's justice minister.

Seventeen missionaries representing Christian Aid Ministries, including 16 Americans and one Canadian, were kidnapped by armed men on October 16 while driving through the suburb of Croix des Bouquets, just outside of the capital city Port-au-Prince. The group had been returning from visiting an orphanage and were headed back to their home base.

Two of the missionaries were released on November 21. Two weeks later, three more hostages were released followed by the remaining 12 on Thursday morning.

A source in Haiti's security forces said the remaining hostages were released around 5 a.m. ET in the neighborhood of Morne Cabrit and were found by locals who alerted authorities.

The gang that authorities said was responsible for the kidnappings, 400 Mawozo, initially demanded a ransom of $1 million per hostage, according to Haiti's then justice minister.

The circumstances surrounding the release were not immediately clear, including whether any ransom money was paid.

Christian Aid Ministries released a statement praising the release on Thursday.

"We glorify God for answered prayer -- the remaining twelve hostages are FREE! Join us in praising God that all seventeen of our loved ones are now safe. Thank you for your fervent prayers throughout the past two months. We hope to provide more information as we are able," the statement read.

"I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously" (Exodus 15:1b)," it concluded.

Kidnappings for ransom in Haiti are widespread and often indiscriminate, targeting rich and poor, young and old. Rising crime has accompanied the country's political instability, with kidnappings spiking in the months after the July assassination of President Jovenel Moise, according to local human rights organization CARDH. The 400 Mawozo group is particularly notorious for group kidnappings.

CNN's Matt Rivers, reporting from Port-au-Prince, said a source in Haiti told him members of the group appeared skinny when the group was found earlier Thursday. He added the group are currently undergoing medical checks after which presumably some of them, if not all of them, will return to their home countries of the US or Canada.

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