演员阵容。 荒谬之处。 连身衣。 完美。
这部电影于 2022 年 3 月 25 日在影院首映。
Daniel Radcliffe is a maniacal rich guy in 'The Lost City' trailer
(CNN)The trailer for "The Lost City" might be the best one you watch all year.
No trailer this year has filled me with as much anticipatory glee as this one.
In the film, Sandra Bullock plays a reclusive author Loretta Sage who, after years of writing adventures, finds herself in the middle of one.
With Channing Tatum, as cover model Alan, by her side, they try to escape the grip of a maniac billionaire, Daniel Radcliffe, who wants Loretta to help him find a lost city.
The cast. The ridiculousness. The jumpsuit. Perfection.
The film premieres in theaters on March 25, 2022.