
美国参议院一夜之间确认了三打总统乔·拜登 (Joe Biden) 提名的大使职位

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  发表于 Dec 19, 2021 01:56:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(CNN) 美国参议院一夜之间确认了三打总统乔·拜登 (Joe Biden) 提名的大使职位,结束了共和党领导的长达数月的对外交提名快速审议的封锁。

芝加哥前市长、奥巴马总统的白宫幕僚长拉姆·伊曼纽尔周六早些时候被确认为美国驻日本大使。投票结果为 48-21,有 31 名参议员没有投票。

进步民主党反对伊曼纽尔的提名,理由是他作为芝加哥市长的记录,特别是他对 2014 年警方射杀 17 岁的拉昆麦克唐纳的处理。三名民主党参议员——伊丽莎白沃伦、埃德马基和杰夫默克利——投票反对伊曼纽尔的确认。

德克萨斯州共和党参议员特德克鲁兹几个月来一直拒绝允许快速确认外交提名以抗议拜登政府对北溪 2 管道的政策。克鲁兹希望政府加强对将天然气从俄罗斯输送到波罗的海下的德国的主要管道的政策,认为该管道将加强俄罗斯并使德国对该国负有责任。然而,一些共和党参议员表示担心,提名被搁置会影响美国的外交和全球影响力。

周六清晨,来自纽约的民主党参议院多数党领袖查克舒默宣布一项协议,克鲁兹实施制裁的立法将在 1 月中旬之前进行辩论和投票。


参议院确认了几名亚洲和非洲其他关键职位的提名人选,包括马克·埃文斯·克纳珀 (Marc Evans Knapper) 担任驻越南大使; Larry Edward André Jr. 担任驻索马里大使; Steven C. Bondy 担任驻巴林大使;克里斯托弗·约翰·拉莫拉担任驻喀麦隆大使。

拜登的密友马克·吉滕斯坦(Mark Gitenstein)在拜登主持该小组时担任参议院司法委员会的首席法律顾问,他被确认为驻欧盟大使。



参议院还确认玛丽·凯瑟琳·迪姆克 (Mary Katherine Dimke) 为华盛顿东区的美国地区法官。被提名为第九巡回法院美国巡回法官的加布里埃尔·P·桑切斯 (Gabriel P. Sanchez) 和被提名为美国第九巡回法院巡回法官的霍莉·A·托马斯 (Holly A. Thomas) 的提名提前了。

更正:这个故事的早期版本错误地报告了 Gabriel Sanchez Holly Thomas 的提名状态。他们还没有被投票通过。

CNN Andrew Millman 为本报告做出了贡献。

Senate confirms Rahm Emanuel and others to ambassador posts

(CNN)The US Senate overnight confirmed more than three dozen of President Joe Biden's nominees to ambassador posts, ending a months-long Republican-led blockade on quick consideration of the diplomatic nominations.

Rahm Emanuel, the former mayor of Chicago and White House chief of staff for President Barack Obama, was confirmed early Saturday as the US ambassador to Japan. The vote was 48-21, with 31 senators not voting.

Progressive Democrats had objected to Emanuel's nomination, citing his record as Chicago mayor, specifically his handling of the 2014 police shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. Three Democratic senators -- Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey and Jeff Merkley -- voted against Emanuel's confirmation.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz had for months refused to allow quick confirmation on diplomatic nominations to protest the Biden administration's policy on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Cruz wants the administration to toughen its policy on the major pipeline that will deliver natural gas from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea, arguing that the pipeline would strengthen Russia and make Germany beholden to the country. Some Republican senators, however, had expressed concern that the hold up on the nominations would impact America's diplomacy and influence around the world.

Early Saturday morning, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, announced a deal that Cruz's legislation imposing sanctions would be debated and voted on by mid-January.

Emanuel and others' confirmation votes were part of a flurry of activity in the Senate in the early hours of Saturday morning before lawmakers adjourned for recess.

The Senate confirmed several nominees to other key posts in Asia and Africa, including Marc Evans Knapper as the ambassador to Vietnam; Larry Edward André Jr. as the ambassador to Somalia; Steven C. Bondy as the ambassador to Bahrain; and Christopher John Lamora as the ambassador to Cameroon.

Mark Gitenstein, a close friend to Biden who served as chief counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee when Biden chaired the panel, was confirmed as the ambassador to the European Union.

Massachusetts state Rep. Claire Cronin was confirmed as the ambassador to Ireland, and former Delaware Gov. Jack Markell as the ambassador to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Julissa Reynoso Pantaleón, who most recently served as first lady Jill Biden's chief of staff in the East Wing, was confirmed as the ambassador to Spain.

The Senate also confirmed Mary Katherine Dimke to be US District Judge for the Eastern District of Washington. Gabriel P. Sanchez, a nominee to be US Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, and Holly A. Thomas, a nominee to be a US Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, had their nominations advanced.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported the status of Gabriel Sanchez' and Holly Thomas' nominations. They have not yet been voted on.

CNN's Andrew Millman contributed to this report.

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