Gucci is an Italian luxury fashion house based in Florence, Italy. Its product lines include handbags, ready-to-wear, footwear, and accessories, makeup, fragrances, and home decoration.
Gucci was founded in 1921 by Guccio Gucci in Florence, Tuscany. Under the direction of Aldo Gucci (son of Guccio), Gucci became a worldwide-known brand, an icon of the Italian Dolce Vita. Following family feuds during the 1980s, the Gucci family was entirely ousted from the capital of the company by 1993. After this crisis, the brand was revived with a provocative 'Porno Chic' props. In 1999, Gucci was acquired by the French conglomerate Pinault Printemps Redoute, which later became Kering. During the 2010s, Gucci became an iconic 'geek-chic' brand.
In 2019, Gucci operated 487 stores for 17,157 employees, and generated E 9.628 billion in sales (E 8.2 billion in 2018). Marco Bizzarri is CEO of Gucci since December 2014, and Alessandro Michele creative director since January 2015. Gucci is a subsidiary of the French luxury group Kering.
Gucci 是一家位于意大利佛罗伦萨的意大利奢侈时装品牌。其产品线包括手袋、成衣、鞋履和配饰、化妆品、香水和家居装饰。
Gucci 于 1921 年由 Guccio Gucci 在托斯卡纳的佛罗伦萨创立。在Aldo Gucci(Guccio之子)的指导下,Gucci成为世界知名品牌,成为意大利Dolce Vita的标志。在 1980 年代的家族不和之后,Gucci 家族于 1993 年完全被赶出公司资本。在这场危机之后,该品牌以具有挑衅性的“Porno Chic”道具复兴。 1999 年,Gucci 被法国企业集团 Pinault Printemps Redoute 收购,后者后来成为 Kering。在 2010 年代,Gucci 成为标志性的“极客时尚”品牌。
2019 年,Gucci 经营着 487 家门店,拥有 17,157 名员工,创造了 96.28 亿欧元的销售额(2018 年为 82 亿欧元)。 Marco Bizzarri 自 2014 年 12 月起担任 Gucci 首席执行官,自 2015 年 1 月起担任 Alessandro Michele 创意总监。 Gucci 是法国奢侈品集团 Kering 的子公司。