Pulp Fiction
Pulp Fiction is a 1994 American black comedy crime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, who conceived it with Roger Avary. Starring John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Ving Rhames, and Uma Thurman, it tells several stories of criminal Los Angeles. The title refers to the pulp magazines and hardboiled crime novels popular during the mid-20th century, known for their graphic violence and punchy dialogue.
Tarantino wrote Pulp Fiction in 1992 and 1993, incorporating scenes that Avary originally wrote for True Romance (1993). Its plot occurs out of chronological order. The film is also self-referential from its opening moments, beginning with a title card that gives two dictionary definitions of "pulp". Considerable screen time is devoted to monologues and casual conversations with eclectic dialogue revealing each character's perspectives on several subjects, and the film features an ironic combination of humor and strong violence. TriStar Pictures reportedly turned down the script as "too demented". Then Miramax co-chairman Harvey Weinstein was enthralled, however, and the film became the first that Miramax fully financed.
Pulp Fiction won the Palme d'Or at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival, and was a major critical and commercial success. It was nominated for seven awards at the 67th Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won Best Original Screenplay; it earned Travolta, Jackson, and Thurman Academy Award nominations and boosted their careers. Its development, marketing, distribution, and profitability had a sweeping effect on independent cinema.
Pulp Fiction is widely regarded as Tarantino's masterpiece, with particular praise for its screenwriting. The self-reflexivity, unconventional structure, and extensive homage and pastiche have led critics to describe it as a touchstone of postmodern film. It is often considered a cultural watershed, influencing films and other media that adopted elements of its style. The cast was also widely praised, with Travolta, Thurman and Jackson earning particular acclaim. In 2008, Entertainment Weekly named it the best film since 1983 and it has appeared on many critics' lists of the greatest films ever made. In 2013, Pulp Fiction was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
Release date: October 14, 1994 (USA).
Director: Quentin Tarantino.
Featured song: Misirlou.
Story by: Quentin Tarantino; Roger Avary.
Burgers: Big Kahuna Burger.
Awards: Palme d'Or, MORE.
《低俗小说》是一部 1994 年的美国黑色喜剧犯罪电影,由昆汀·塔伦蒂诺编剧和导演,他与罗杰·阿瓦瑞共同构思了这部电影。由约翰·特拉沃尔塔、塞缪尔·杰克逊、布鲁斯·威利斯、蒂姆·罗斯、文·瑞姆斯和乌玛·瑟曼主演,讲述了洛杉矶的几个犯罪故事。书名指的是 20 世纪中叶流行的低俗杂志和硬核犯罪小说,以其生动的暴力和有力的对话而闻名。
塔伦蒂诺在 1992 年和 1993 年写了低俗小说,其中包含了阿瓦里最初为真实浪漫 (1993) 写的场景。它的情节不按时间顺序发生。这部电影从开场时刻开始也是自我参照的,从一张标题卡开始,给出了“纸浆”的两个字典定义。相当多的放映时间用于独白和随意的对话,不拘一格的对话揭示了每个角色对几个主题的看法,这部电影具有讽刺意味的幽默和强烈暴力的结合。据报道,三星影业以“过于疯狂”为由拒绝了该剧本。然而,米拉麦克斯联合主席哈维·韦恩斯坦被迷住了,这部电影成为米拉麦克斯全额资助的第一部电影。
低俗小说在 1994 年戛纳电影节上获得了金棕榈奖,并在评论界和商业上取得了重大成功。获得第67届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片等七项提名,并获得最佳原创剧本奖;它赢得了特拉沃尔塔、杰克逊和瑟曼奥斯卡奖的提名,并促进了他们的职业生涯。它的开发、营销、发行和盈利能力对独立电影产生了广泛的影响。
《低俗小说》被广泛认为是塔伦蒂诺的杰作,尤其因其编剧而备受赞誉。自我反思性、非常规结构以及广泛的敬意和模仿使评论家将其描述为后现代电影的试金石。它通常被认为是一个文化分水岭,影响采用其风格元素的电影和其他媒体。演员阵容也广受赞誉,特拉沃尔塔、瑟曼和杰克逊获得了特别的赞誉。 2008 年,《娱乐周刊》将其评为 1983 年以来的最佳电影,并出现在许多评论家的有史以来最伟大电影的名单上。 2013 年,《低俗小说》被美国国会图书馆选为“在文化、历史或美学上具有重要意义”的美国国家电影登记处保存。
发布日期:1994 年 10 月 14 日(美国)。